Vive and Pimax 8k simultaneously?

Idea : Vive and Pimax 8k simultaneously conected to 1 PC with 1 or 2 GTX1080Ti (SLI) ? Are you guys thinking that this configuration will work in future ? I know that it’s not easy to do but would be nice to take a friend who see the same on 2nd HMD

Edit: I mean only “observer mode” not MP or Co-op gameplay.

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If your friend will see the same, he will puke. If you are talking about simultaneous work in one application, probably not, it would driver support from both the application and the video card manufacturer.

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I mean kind of “observer mode”. We can have multimonitors setup so why not 2x HMD’s ?

Edit : Got it, when you move head or move in vehicle (racing sims or flightsims) he will puke probably.
but watching movies on big screen should be ok.

you want to get something like a mirror? to make the same picture on 2 helmets?

Not the same I know but you can already use multiple vive’s on the same lighthouse setup.

but it requires a seperate pc.

…exactly - mirror !

Technically it might be working if you use the Vive running on Steam VR and Pimax running on PiPlay.

I did use an Oculus Rift and a Vive simultaneously last year running on the same PC powered by an overclocked GTX980Ti. This was working with some issues (needed to start the Rift experience from Oculus Home first and then start SteamVR for the Vive experience). I could run lower demanding things like Lucky’s Tale and RecRoom with sufficient FPS. I even used RecRoom with Rift and Vive at the same time with table tennis (which I would call a local multiplayer setup).

However you likely can not run higher demanding games with Vive and Pimax with just one GPU.
Two GPUs might work better. Just my two cents of wisdom.



@MR-Alex, Just had to say thanks to your comments, i had being trying to get my oculus cv1 and vive to work on the same pc for awhile.

Since you managed to get it working, may i ask a few questions, The 980Ti has 3 display ports, 1 HDMI and 1 DVI-Duallink. Which headset you gave to HDMI and which to Display port, both headsets are unhappy with the display ports, they lag and crash constantly.

Also to further share more information to everyone, i am running a triple monitor setup, have 2x980TI SLI, but attaching both headsets to fill up all 5 slots on the GPU works (in SLI, single 980TI only support up to 4 screens). BUT it will lag and crash and an error will pop up saying that there are too many pixels or screens for the gpu to process, LOL, i forgot the error code number but it really happened, maybe 1080ti SLI wouldn’t have such problems, i dont know.

To try out alex’s setup, i definitely need to disconnect 1 or 2 of the monitor displays.

I am sure you would also puke on bigscreen watching a movie when you get only mirrored images on the hmd.

Hi Leong Tap,

I used one of these configurations:

  1. Monitor connected to DVI (with HDMI adapter).
  2. Rift connected to HMDI
  3. Vive connected to DisplayPort


  1. Monitor connected to HMDI
  2. Rift connected to DVI (with HDMI adapter)
  3. Vive connected to DisplayPort

First start the Rift application from Ouculs Home with the Vive USB disconnected.
Then connect the Vive USB and start SteamVR.

There are also some posts about that topic on
Hope this helps.
