Very low framerate and loose frames

Hello. I need help to understand if Pimax 4k are really so harmful to my eyes, or if I’m doing something wrong.
My hardware specs: PC with Windows 10 x64; intel 6700 k; nvidia ASUS Strix GTX 1080; 16 giga of RAM, HD 250 gig SSD.
I found a big problem: the loss of frames. I play Elite Dangerous and Progect Cars. With the first five minutes after beginning i start to feel the effects of motion sickness. With the second just a minute is enough. The cause is the changeless loss of frames. I tried changing the resolution to 1920x1080, to enter data “{” pixels_per_display_pixel_rate “: 1.2}” into the file “profile.json”. I tried to disable the asynchronous reprojection on Steam vr. The effect is always the same: the headset always behave in the same way: lose a number of frames that make me feel bad. I am using the Piplay 1.2.53. I have try also the 1.1.92. My firmware is the
Please help me. I trusted Pimax and love China and its people with all my heart :slight_smile:

Maybe it’s about setting up IPD?

Because the system you have is strong.
I have fx 8120 with 770gtx (piplay 2k resolution) in with asynchronous reprojection in steam
and in drivers 1.1.92 there is no motion sickness neither in elite nor
in cars.

PiSetup_1.1.92, Project Cars
Best results i got:
Resolution: 1080p
Steamvr supersampling: 1.5
In-game downsampling: DS6X
Asynchronous reprojection: on
Other settings: low (except for textures ultra)
GPU load: 90-90%
FPS: stable 60
HMD latency: 15ms

asynchronous reprojection dont work with 1.2.+, so you will never achieve that quality and framerate with current last version.
p.s. do not forget to disabled interleaved reprojection!

Thank you for you reply. It’s impossible that the motion sickness depend to the IPD for 2 reasons: 1) i have do a lot of tests with my friends. Any person had the same experience of poor framerate. 2) i now that for me the IPD is not perfect and i have to find the right value but the problem is a low framerate and not sharpness issue. Sorry for my english XD

Thank you for the reply :slight_smile:
I am impressed. This forum work very well! My compliments.
I have some question:

  1. i have try the piplay 1.1.92 but for me the low framerate was the same. Do you suggest me to do another try?
  2. i have to change the supersampling from the steamvr config file, right? Please if is possible can you give me the path?
  3. in game downsamplig is a graphic option in the game, right?
  4. what is “gpu load: 90-90%”? Where can i find this value?

Another time, thank you for your time.

Ah, i see! Thank you CReDo. I’ll tell you if something goes better.

  1. impossible, 1.1.92 and 1.2.+ has different render methods, fps cant be same
  2. yes and no, if you use steamvr beta version like on the screenshot above, then you can change it in settings. Otherwise google, its easy to find:)
  3. yes, downsampling is a best possible antialiasing (which is very important in vr). DX6X means you will have triple height and doubled width resolution (from full hd, make sure its not 2k, otherwise you will not get stable 60 fps with that configuration)
  4. not important since its copy paste (using search on that forum might give you a bunch of topics about project cars, settings, discussions, and so on), means only that the card is fully loaded, its the best possible picture quality you can get in project cars with 1.9.2 + 1080gtx considering stable 60 fps, looks amazing.

yes. the game is a little better than first. I have the piplay 1.1.92, ds6x, and all the settings that you suggest me. BUT still to jump from a frame to another in a way that is very annoying. The strange thing is that the game seems very fast. I’m trying to use the kart on Project Cars. Everything moves at breakneck speed. But at the same time continuing to be flickering. thanks for the immense help. Until tonight I tried to solve everything alone, reading everything on this forum. But I think it i need more time to work around this headset. I hope I can ask other tips next days and receive the same invaluable assistance received so far.

:grin: yes i have set Asynchronous on and interleaved off. Thank you!

an update on how it’s working my Pimax 4k: Today I turned on the computer and i have found that the horizon of the screen was rotated of 90 degrees: it was vertical. I have follow the instructions of the forum, by erasing the steamvr configuration file. I noticed that the Steamvr application was no longer in beta but it was returned without any reason to the previous one, so without the ability to adjust the supersampling. I have re-installed the beta version and started Project Cars, which did not work: Error 308 on Steam. I have given administrator privileges to Steam .exe file and finally managed, after 40 minutes, to start Project Cars. I set all the options to the minimum, the anti-aliasing to ds6x and I tried to play. same result: when I face the curves, bumps, or I’ll take the opponents in front of me, I see that the image splits and starts to pick me nauseous. Tonight I’ll try to figure out if it depends from the IPD, but I doubt that this is the problem. Any game that do not involve rapid changes of direction (on the screen, not to the head) work quite well. I begin to fear that the prblem is intrinsic to Pimax 4K and can not be solved. perhaps some user are not sensitive like me to the lack of fluidity of the game.

You were right. It is a IPD problem. Exactly i think that is this:
You can read my reply in that thread. I hope that someone will contact me ASAP. :cold_sweat:

I wrote not just
about the IPD, but for the frequent self, in the program especially
1.1.92 are the wrong values and work in the reverse order + this is the
minus sign - this is a plus and my real ipd 63 in the drivers I put 55.
In 1.2.53 it was ruled even Was in the description of the patch

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The problem is that all values give me nausea after less than 5 minutes.

It’s very strange I can play for hours and there are not any hints about problems even with my weak computer.
With glasses in the headset tried to play?

we were playing 12 hours in row in resident evil 7, with base ipd (63), me with no glasses and my friend with glasses (he could not really see anything without them) and no one had sickness.
if Acaro’s reall ipd is about 63 - it should not cause any problems.

How do you set Supersampling in SteamVR Settings?
I can’t see the slider as in you picture above.

You have to use steamvr beta, the last one. That is the easiest way. In your picture i see that you are loosing a lot of frames. My bar is green almost all the time. But i start to feel nausea and vertigo after few minutes. I think that my pimax 4k is malfunctioning for this reason. It is impossible that someone try my headset for more than 5 or 10 minutes. I am waiting some reply from Pimax at the moment. But at the moment, nobody contact me. I am selling my headset in the meantime. I hope that someone can help me to solve the problem before i sell my Pimax 4k.

You know I never noticed this before. Any idea how I could improve this?