It’s probably also quite likely that the gravity glove, if it does exist in the game, does so as a lore excuse for the developers quite likely having done it so that you don’t have to reach down to the floor to pick things up, or even walk up particularly near them – just will them into your hands from afar. :7
Im mega excited about this but on a side note, could you imagine if on release, half life alyx was teleport only.
Wasn’t gabe dead against free locomotion?
I dont think valve have made anything other than vr games with only teleport so far.
Let’s hope they’ve moved past that & have now accepted free locomotion is important to most.
The upcoming Boneworks looks to be free locomotion so I assume this won’t be the case.
well as long as it is as polished as the lab demo, it should be good
anything can be played sitting down.
Thats kind of insensitive wheelchair bound VR enthusiasts.
1 word for you CyberShoes. or is that two words.
I still prefer to play games sitting down . I am in the building trade and running around all day so a seated VR experience is what I am after . I just set the height so it looks like I am standing .
Superhot would be hard to play sitting down but yes most games are fine .
Why is this here? How is it 8K series related?
Problem of these kind of forums: too many categories still users prefer to use just one.
Changed… …
wow just wow!!
cant wait ,looks really really good, movement and mechanics lookin good
want to see more