Until you fall on SteamVR

Dont know if this will help with this game but somebody came up with a workaround for obduction and it worked for me. I placed the headset on the floor and didnt move it, then started the game on the monitor with the mouse then pick up the headset and it was displaying normally. This game looks beautiful. Hope this helps

That blows, pimax should reach out and remind the devs that they exist.

Hmm not sure yet. It all looks nice but it also looks all the same, could get boring quite quickly, not sure yet. You also need a lot of play space, since if you make a ‘large swing’ your attack has more power, so you will be doing large swings a lot. Problem is of course that if you’re close to the edges of your playground without the wall lighting up, indicating that you’re close with your body, your long swing might actually hit the wall, it happened to me several times.

Hey Jason. Gave it a try and no dice unfortunately. I’m thinking it might have something to do with either how the game is programed to work with boundaries or its looking for a proximity sensor. These are just my guesses though I honestly have no idea haha.

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where do you guys think pimax is on their roadmap? :unamused:

FYI. Finally got the game on steam sale and it works perfectly

there’s a tiny bit of weirdness with the shadows. but it runs well.

I get a message from about my headset not being supported but it does start and works fine after that. You need to enable Parallel Projection, otherwise the fog looks weird.