Trymytech - Showcase The Crystal To Like-Minded Enthusiasts & Earn Money

Honestly I think it’s a good idea. Just like he says, a million reviews don’t mean much, you won’t know until you try a headset yourself. The devil is in the details of course, and there are some issues he would need to overcome but I think this could be a valuable service for many


Maybe the adult beverage part :beer: More like wants others to be the showmen.
So if someone say demos a Crystal and then buys one and has nothing but issues can i expect an angry visit?

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any of the other manufacturers are welcome here, but please no pimax, or a combination of them with other hardware. I feel like this is still in the alpha stage. I think your idea is basically very good. stay tuned @mrtv

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I recall when the og vive released there was a few ppl selling demo time for maybe $30/hr?

I think it’s a worthwhile idea @mixedrealityTV and absolutely worth a shot! Good on you for finding out, that’s how you build a business.

@Atmos why be so negative? It’s super easy to shoot down any business idea anyone has, particularly if the model hasn’t been rolled out yet by anyone else. I understand your concerns, but why phrase them this way and ridicule Seb? I just don’t get it tbh.


Thought I gave some solid advice on how to make this business work.

If you are the manufacturer then this seems like an great idea with zero outlay.

If you are the customer then this seems like a great idea because you have zero risk. If it breaks, no comebacks.

If you are Seb then it seems like a great way to make 20% from something.

But if you are the owner then you put your equipment on the line, you need liability insurance, you have to pay a big chunk of anything you earn. You have strangers at your property and the inconvenience of being tied to time slots especially if you have a family.

It’s not negativity it’s the reality of it. If I was Seb getting 20% then this is a great idea. It’s a fantastic business model. If 100 members do 3 demos a week I’d make 3x $6 x 100 = $1800 a week.

The owner makes $18 x 3 x 52 = $2808 a year if he does 3 demos a week every week of the year.

If that sounds like a great idea then every one’s a winner.

I think you are missing the key point here: this is not really aimed at participants trying to make profit. Surely most people could earn money more efficiently, no doubt.

This is about people also being engaged in demoing their tech because they are enthusiasts. Most of them probably don’t want to demo 3x a week, but perhaps 2-3x a month. And while doing so engage with other like-minded folks who might live nearby and who knows, maybe once in a while a contact is created which will continue after the demo is done.

If you are wealthy and would give them access to a home which makes you feel vulnerable as a result, it’s not for you. In my case I am not wealthy, so I am not really afraid that any bloke I let into my home office/man cave space would raid the house 2 weeks later. But I admit, I am mostly working from home and we’ve got a dog (not a huge one but he does bark at strangers nearing the house so it attracts attention which burglars hate).

So sure, everybody would have to figure it out for themselves if and how much they plan to participate in such a service. But I like the idea, enthusiasts giving other enthusiasts the opportunity to check out tech.


The manufacturers are those who make the hardware that we love and spend a lot of time with. I am glad that I can provide value to them with this service. And actually, they also provide something to the Experience providers: discounted hardware and commission payments. Probably check out my announcement video again :slight_smile:

And well, me getting 20% for literally thin air is true though, if thin air means having to make 1200 XR niche videos to build MRTV and the connections to bring those partners onboard for the launch. More companies are signing up as you read this message. And gladly I can and will use the channel to promote the Experience providers and make sure people know about this service in our niche.

This thread and this discussion, as negative you might be about it, is perfect though because it gives me the chance to address all the issues, so thanks for your support!

Oh btw, someone needs to onboard all the people, check their IDS, take care of payment processing and so on. And yes, that’s also part of the 20%. The thin air 20% :slight_smile:

So I would be very very happy about those 20% if it was from such a huge volume business like airbnb. As it stands, it is a very niche market with only a few people excited about trying out a Crystal or a KatVR. I’ll be glad and happy (and yes, smiling from ear to ear) once this business becomes profitable.

For Experience providers, again it is not for everyone. But for some, getting 80% of something rather than 100% of nothing, it sounds like a pretty good idea to me. There are risks, just like in airbnb, but I will do everything in my power to keep them low, by doing ID checks for customers and offering insurance to Experience hosts. If that is not enough, simply don’t do an Experience on trymytech, that’s fine, too.

Other than that, again, thanks a lot for putting so much thought into this, I can tell you care a lot about MRTV and what I do. :slight_smile: If there weren’t people like you, I would be doing something wrong, haha! :slight_smile:

Sincerely, Sebastian


No problem.


It’s not 80% it’s 60% because you forget the government will want their 20% share in income tax. Unless you’re not going to declare it and run the risk of tax fraud.

Then Seb’s 20% would actually only be 16%.

Tax rates can vary from country to country and income bracket.

So you use gross amount vs take home after taxes Net.

Yeah I wasn’t going into every variable. Just making the point. I didn’t go into electricity, cost of coffee, wear and tear, cleaning face gaskets, Public liability insurance, book keeping, partners take for the hassle. Lol

If all parties are happy with the terms then I’m sure it will be a success. Good luck Sebastian.

Don’t take my negativity as being against your idea. I think there are those who would use the service if convenient including myself. My consideration was more toward would I want to become the seller of a product I like.
I can think of easier ways to make money like getting someone to sell it for me :grinning:
but I know a few IBM guys that don’t game because when they get home the last thing they want to do is boot a computer and swore I’d never monetize my hobby. GL :smiley:


Some people just find a problem to every solution.
Seb has come up with a very unique possibly even brilliant idea here. Sure, there will be difficulties but the proof will be measured in its success 12 months from now. I imagine Steve Jobs & Elon Musk heard similar negative comments when they put their ideas out there.
Personally I am considering signing up for this, just need to tidy my play space up a bit first, oh and get the wife to clean the bathroom and have the coffee machine ready :joy:

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Well yeah, any good business man is going to find all the negatives and then neutralise them before investing time and money on a venture that has no guarantee of success. Some people only buy new houses while others like to renovate old.

You’ve just found a problem with the people who pointed out the problems lol I don’t think business is for you.

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It’s a quote from Albert Einstein
“Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution “
I’ve mostly kept to it in life and have setup several successful businesses but unfortunately on this occasion I did not heed him :joy:


Reread this thread. I’ve said it’s a good idea if you’re Seb. A good idea if you’re the manufacturer and a good idea if you don’t mind all the negatives of putting on a demo and paying 30-40% of the fee.

If this business model was good then why don’t we have demos rooms for high end AV equipment? It’s because the dealer provides the demo and then wants the sale making 30% on the product price. Members of the public do this service for free to make friends and show off their equipment.

Airbnb is not the same business model as Sebastian points out because the customer needs a place to stay. Airbnb are not charging people to come look at the room before it’s used. Nobody pays to travel to an Airbnb to look at the room and say yes that room looks good here s $10 book me in next week. They check out the room online and read reviews online.

I would much rather order a Crystal on Amazon have it for 2 weeks then send it back if I didn’t like it. All for free. In fact I’ll do that and make a review.

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Wasn’t it Oppenheimer who went to Einstein with a problem? Einstein said there’s a chance you can blow up the planet??? Lol

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I really enjoyed the first couple of hours in that movie but found the last hour dragged. Yet most people tell me they thought the opposite. I’ve always seen things a little bit differently than the crowd, guess that’s why I really like Seb’s idea. It reminds me of the crazy ideas I used to have and who knows, it just might work.
Enjoyed talking with you my friend.