Apologies if this has been answered in the past, but does anyone know official numbers of the exact # of backers in total (including businesses and small $5 pledges etc) so that I have a better idea as to my true backer number (listed on my Kickstarter login page) spot in the scheme of things as far as shipping order goes? My number is high but if it’s ahead of 100’s of $5 pledges for example, that would be a good thing obviously. I backed the 8K full package.
5,946 backers pledged $4,236,618 to help bring this project to life.
283 is how many people payed $5 to get on the mailing list. 5542 is the number of headset packages combined, that still leaves 121 backers unaccounted for, so maybe they pledged less than $5? I’ve seen backer numbers right into the low 7000’s so it seems like that number counts canceled orders.
awesome, appreciate the insight and thanks
That might be the number of backers who bought 2 or more headsets.
Backers were unable to pledge more than 1 headset directly through kickstarter. We had to pledge a headset and add extra $$$ to our pledge, so we wouldn’t end up with extra backer numbers from them.
I dont think so it’s true. I remember that @SweViver said that he has 2 backer numbers ( very low numers)
Think it would be better to know how many full sets of HMDs with accessories and how many HMD
s only, as HMD only should be shipping first.
True…being backer low 3000…I opted for headset only …the rest later…which I would think puts me ahead of some backers?
HMDs will be sent by backers number regardless of the package, there is only 1 queue. I have ordered full set with the order number 160-170 and expect to receive my HMDs with the first batch ( 200 items) with or without accesories
This is how it supposed to work, unless someone asks not to send his hmd and makes his own decision to delay his package in order to wait for full package.
I have 2 pledges too, but from different accounts. No one forbidds that😉 I don’t think there were a lot of early birds who have ordered more then 1 piece for a single account, as this option was added much later wenn many of them were sold out
if i remember correctly some users asks not to send with out BS and controllers so this number would be nice to know.
I guess the true position doesn’t really goes to differ a lot, the more important question when does they really start to manufacture and send the first batch out. Until this happens it makes not much sense to track numbers and callculate time to manufacture, guessing your own delivery date😒
I have 2 promises, 1 headset 8kx and 1 headset 8k and I only have one baker number. I added money to keep 8k trial headset maybe a lot of baker of 8kx have the same promise.
I’m Backer 215 and the “true” number should be something like 214 or 213^^ because i dont think there were more people canceling their early bird pledge still hope to get my headset early although i pledged for complete package…i want my headset first…even without basestation and controller…i could at least test how i like the lenses, how is the headset fitting on my head …and of course i can watch “movies”. maybe i would buy a vive basestation from ebay. i will see. first the headset should be delivered. at least it looks like the shipment to germany is fast^^
Man such a bummer. I couldn’t wait any longer and wanted to buy this guys Vive with basestations and controllers for 300 euros, which is a steal. But even after talking on the phone and emailing address info to come pick it up tomorrow morning, he cancels and tells me a friend of his takes it. I was almost there guys, almost there…
I’m not spending 450 or 500 on the used sets even though I could probably resell at those same prices later
You should not get hung up on the backer number.
Many backed the full package including lighthouses and controllers. They get the headsets later.
Then there is warehouse distribution. Later backers might get it sooner because they live somewhere close to a distribution centre.
In other words: “In before the backer number crybaby threads!”
I was anticipating this question being more along the lines of:
Given that a bunch of headsets are going to businesses where am I actually in the line? How many headsets do they intend to produce before backers start receiving them?
You would need to know how many people chose to receive the headset and base stations/controllers at once.
I wonder if these businesses will publish marketing with the 8K in operation at their venues so we can see the headset being used by totally random people before any of us will even remotely be getting one
that’s a sobering shitty thought (rubs chin)