Time for an update yeah?

Well said Sir. …we have all pledged money on an ideal and this ideal will not be reached unless we chill and let pimax and the m1 testers forfill their role. As you have said we ( the people on this forum) are an absolute minority compared to the amount of actual backers. Therefore anybody taking credence from the vitreol that is spewing from some members buccal cavitys quite literally astound’s me. The headset will be ready when all deem it to be ready…yes, this final version may not 100% please everybody but the magority will accept it for what it is…a state of the art game changer…which will force the hand of every other Magor vr company to stop bringing out dogshit incrimental improvements. …these are all profit based and they’ll in my opinion will not be amused when a hmd arrives that actually pisses on their specs. Have faith everyone and ignore the nay sayer’s. I have faith that what we shall receive upon release is a quality headset with some issues that may be accepted by some and ignored by others…the same as every other hmd on the market…they all have cadveats but you either adjust to ignore them of go elsewhere. . End of rant. …peace out