This moderator's funny ways to see things :)

Oh…it is way more simple than that (and funny too…) , the reason was just Heliosurge suspended my account for some days to silence me :smirk:

Oh sure….of course, anyone with just a smartphone can do that… unfortunately, you know… it’s a pity that current modern smartphone software in the cameras MASK and eliminate the artifacts caused by the refresh of computer monitors you aim the camera to, and other things (a feature even largely advertised on the new iPhones and other phones), unless…of course you use a special written software, possibly running Linux on the smartphone. (Try pointing your iPhones at computer/Tv screens if you don’t believe me)

And to the contrary, the article posted by MReis is very informative, but of course you don’t have even taken a serious look at it, otherwise you hadn’t commented like this…

But to briefly reply you:

IJARCCE Journal 5-11-2016
Quoting this technology paper for researchers: PAGE 155 Chapter VIII Step 5 - “OLED response times are 1000 times faster than LCD providing 10 microseconds response time.”

This was back in 2014 !!

Yep, indeed….LCDs are just slightly slower, so much for your fair amount of understanding about display panels, plus the bullshit about the smartphone cameras, congrats !…

I don’t give a shit about having to be liked or credible to you…you lost my respect way before this day, when you replied to me discussing this same subject months ago, contesting it with just superficial views and narrow minded attitude, and now replying like an elementary school bully, just putting some common place labels to discredit and make the other part look a conspiracy theory nut, implying that for you the Golden Rule obviously don’t applies to me…fine, you will be treated in the same manner…

Doesn’t surprise me…since these standard reactions often come from people who don’t have a clue about the most wide life subjects, and fear it, thus their just reacting and calling people that way.

But let me tell you something to ponder on…with all the huge happenings and changes that have emerged in the last 10-15 years in every aspect of human life, be it political, weather, science, space discoveries, tech, physics (especially) and the so many things going wrong and worse every day and increasingly looking NOT being as most people have thought before….how is it possible that you still resort to these ways of quickly labelling people who have a widest view of life than you ?…. doesn’t surprise me you have chosen such a nickname for yourself, because the way you’re responding and acting shows you’re a brain dead human still walking, just waiting the day when you can definitely escape and disappear in your VRefuge alternate reality…you’re probably missing so many important aspects and revelations in life around you that you’re pretty soon going to have a rough, wild ride, when even more things become reality and commonly accepted VERY SOON and with ever increasing rate, that day you will find yourself having this face:

And it will probably take you years, just to catch up with all the info and reality you missed, and that you was not aware of, that your tinfoil friend was just telling you “like a nut”…

Have fun with the experience…