Hi, I recibed de the headset with hot pixels and the screen was a wite frame sometimes, yesterday the galasses stopped working, the screen doesn’t turn on, I is not being recognized by the pc ( the pimax light is power on) it doesn’t work on any computer, please help me.
Hi! Thank you for choosing our Pimax.
Could u tell me what kind of issue please?
Which mode r u in? Direct mode or Extend mode or Pimax mode?
Which GPU are u using? Which OS? Desktop or laptop?
If you can’t solve your problem, please add our support Skype: support@pimaxvr.com we can answer your question as soon as possible.
Thanks for the fast answer.
The pimax was working well, but sometimes it has a wite frame, it had 4 four hot pixels (pixels that ever are wite). But yersterday the pimax stop to work, like I said, the screen doesn’t turn on, I is not being recognized by the pc. It`s a hardware failure.
My pimax worked perfectly in a amd radeon 7790 with windows 10, a destokp pc, It worked too in a laptop with a gtx 950, but not now
I love the pimax, is not perfect, but I think that it will be.
1, Which Piplay version are you using?
2, Can you use the desktop PC to use Pimax now?
3, Which FW are you using?
4, In Piplay, is the dives searching ? Which LED light is blinking?
The piplay version is the 1.1.71 and its searching the pimax, I don
t know the fireware, I can’t see that and I don’t remeber it. The light is green, but a little wite, the screen ever is power off, I can do nothing with pimax
Try to start the PC with the Pimax connected, for me it works when the Pimax Software not detect the HMD
And you update the drivers? Because the Pimax Software is very sensitive with them, so if you did it, try to restore to the old ones
And the wite pixels?
That’s probably a defective LCD, you should open an RMA in order to exchange it
Could you add our support Skype? And then we can use the Teamview to solve your issue. Skype: support@pimaxvr.com
We are so sorry about it.
Yes, I will, but I going to send back the pimax to exchange it.