SweViver's status

yesssss my mannn, glad you’re back. And hope you’re doing better


Vanished again… :frowning:

True. @SweViver hasn’t even been updating his Patreon page. I assume he’s busy helping Pimax with their upcoming Sept 16th announcement. I hope that he’s spending a lot of time testing the new 8KX prototype. He promised a video on that, but I assume it’s all under an embargo until the official announcement.


He hasn’t been online since 9 days thats unusual… I hope everything is ok…


Probably business trip to China :slight_smile:


Things are OK. I was a bit worried too. @SweViver posted an update on Patreon.

I can’t say much (he asked us not to) and he’s had some more troubles, but we’ll be hearing a lot from him soon, as part of the Pimax announcements. He will be in Florida USA for the festivities and has promised to make a bunch of videos in the coming months (and not just on Pimax).


Is Marcin still with Pimax? It’s like he doesn’t excist anymore.

I wish Marcin never joined Pimax because since then things went into reverse. Instead of having more presence, more videos, more demos and more Forum post he simply slipped into a coma.

Pimax were getting more free publicity when he wasn’t employed by them. I really don’t know what either is getting out of the current arrangement.

It’s sad really like when Palmer Luckey sold out to Facebook.

Now all we have is Kevin…


I’m pretty sure I’ve seen his profile picture up in the “users online” row a few times the past couple of days.
Presumably he has duties other than customer relations…


What ever he’s doing now he’s not doing what he use too, that is be the friendly face of Pimax. I wouldn’t take a hot weather girls and give her a job taking temperatures in the parking lot.

@SweViver where are you?

Thought for sure we’d have a video celebrating the support for canted displays in MSFS Sim Update 10 (which is still beta). In any case, wish him the best.


I’ll take this to mean that whenever he shows up next, he’s going to have to be wearing a pretty dress and gesticulating at a map in the background. :stuck_out_tongue: