Support PIMax kickstarter

This is an idea presented by @Davobkk. Now many folks are already doing this.

To help support our PiMax team & boost the kickstarter goals.

Many of you post links to reviews & participate in the facebook group. This is awesome!

To help reduce stress on the PiMax team. We can help by answering questions that have been answered by

  1. Offering the answer to a users with a link to the forum here or kickstarter faq & fb page to validate the answer provided.

This will help the team & help reach stretch goals!

@deletedpimaxrep1 @Matthew.Xu @bacon @PimaxVR.

EDIT: links to reviews as well.


What really needs to be done to give a boost in the KS campaign is the new prototype to be made available for reviews and also (true) game videos with this new prototype, without this even confirmation of a given pledge is uncertain until November 3 . But I’ve been trying to spread the information I have in all the forums I usually go to.

But Pimax has to do their part and so far is in debt.
@deletedpimaxrep1 @Matthew.Xu


Thanks guys @Heliosurge @Mau_S

I’ll talk about it this morning with xunshu.

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