Suggestions for the 4K

Please post your suggestions here for anything to improve the 4K or Piplay.

Anything that isn’t a suggestion or constructive criticism is gonna get deleted in a nanosecond. The forum has gotten messy, time to lay down the law.

  1. 4K Tracking system
    Possibly using a tracking puck like the Steam VR Tracker, so we can then use (and therefore purchase) the 8K controllers/lighthouses.

  2. A software fix for ghosting.
    Possibly with sliders to make adjustments to shudder timings - @Heliosurge

  3. Option in the Piplay software to enable/disable one or both gyros.

  4. Fixing the software IPD range problem.

  5. Fixing the Drift Issue.

  6. An official FAQ and user guide. - @Enopho
    With information on things like hdmi and usb extension, how to clean dust from lenses, suggestions for adding a mic, etc.

  7. SBS gaming support. - @Enopho

  8. A hardware recentering button (short click of the power button). - @Fabian

  9. IPD adjustment using the volume buttons. Having the option to remap these buttons in Piplay would be useful.

  10. Better Nolo support. Ceiling mount support. - @Fabian

  11. Better IPD configuration software in Piplay. Two colours on the cross. - @Enopho

  12. picture settings:

  • brightness
  • contrast
  • gamma
  • sharpness
  • saturation, vibrance
  1. Supersampling settings on a game by game basis.
    You always want the maximum supersampling that is possible with good performance. That is different in every game, so setting this globally really makes no sense at all. - @Fabian

  2. More Increments on the Image Quality Render in Piplay.
    I used to be able to select 1.10 but now I can only select 1 or 1.25. So it is either an ugly image or poor performance.

@deletedpimaxrep1 @Pimax-Support


Pimax’s reply about the above issues 1 - 5.
Hi guys, today we specially have discussed the issues about 4K you concern internally.


  1. The positional tracking system! Compatible with the 4K? Any news on this?
    Currently the team is focus on optimizing 8K prototype, I have no exact date about upgrading 4K yet but the team will consider this subject in the future.

2) Ghosting. I am not sure but many people seem to think it is possible to eliminate ghosting or reduce it through software.
@bacon is arranging test engineers to test this issue again.
As it had slight difference between 1.1.X and 1.2.X base on our previous test. @Enopho also referred on another post.

3) Option to only have rotational gyro, for use in things like Driver4VR.
@jonnypanic sorry for my English, can you describe “option” in other words?

4) Fixing the IPD range. I have 64mm IPD, so why is 58.3 the clearest image?
Noted this issue at this link: before, and we also organized test engineers to test it internally, but did not find the point. So just now, I reported it to our bug system directly.

Hi - are you going to fix Piplay to allow the B1/BE headsets to drive at the higher refresh rate that they’re supposed to support - at the moment, it appears locked to 66Hz
@Loribee I confirmed with our engineer who said that 66Hz is the most stable value at present base on our internal testings, please be advised.

As for hardware upgrade, as you know, it refers the progress of the current overall project and also depends on market change in the future. But then, Pimax will do its best to fix the issues about 4K you guys concern without doubt. :slight_smile:

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User guides for minor fixes… i.e. extending the USB cables and HDMI, how to clean dust from the back of your lens also suggestions for adding a Mic (if thats even possible - or suggestions for alternative wifi mics that can attach to the 4k)

I like the shutter timings suggestion for ghosting reduction.

also if we have a good SBS option for gaming and the like


Do you mean Pimax should be providing user guides, or we should make them part of this thread? I could add user mods and links to how to guides underneath the suggestions. Might have to change the title.

The intention was as suggestions to give to Pimax, but suggestions for general ways to improve the 4K yourself, a mod thread, could be useful.

Mod thread is fine but an official user guide and FAQ would be good…they could write it in Chinese and some clever person could translate it to other languages… no google translate tho please!!

the Official FAQ from Pimax could be locked and only modified if the FAQ’s processes changes with new releases.

but a community mod thread would be great as well… like right now, i do have dust behind the lens… a mod thread could cover what equipment is needed and a difficulty level for the average user… obviously a disclaimer is going to be needed.

Just an idea is all…

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Yeah, their documentation needs work. I dropped plenty of hints to get me to do it (I can translate but not for free, it is work), but no luck.

I will add the FAQ suggestion above.

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The only thing that really matters to me: VR controllers and external sensors.
Pimax needs to manufacture modules to compete with NOLO.
When I bought the Pimax 4k, I was betting that we would have other universal controllers available, but NOLO proved unstable and unsatisfactory.

To buy a Pimax 8k, I would need a GPU upgrade, and GPUs are costing more than my kidney, but I would buy a pack with sensors and controllers for my Pimax 4k without thinking twice, otherwise for me it would be worth financially buying a Rift, even with the blurred image.


To buy a Pimax 8k, I would need a GPU upgrade, and GPUs are costing more
than my kidney, but I would buy a pack with sensors and controllers for
my Pimax 4k without thinking twice, otherwise for me it would be worth
financially buying a Rift, even with the blurred image.

My thoughts exactly

Use a hardware button to recenter (power button)


Added. That would definitely help. As would IPD adjustment using volume buttons.

2 quick clicks on power button would be perfect

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Nolo ceiling mount support!

Can you take a look at 6 - 10 too, please @Pimax-Support?


@jonnypanic Thank you and thank you all. Recently we plan to trim the forum to make it more friendly for new friends.

As for 7 - 10, I will discuss with product manager and then add these requests/proposals to our internal system and follow them. @bacon

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2 colours on the IPD Cross to help with IPD adjustment


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Added. Yeah the IPD config could do with work. How is it handled on other headsets? Anyone know?

picture settings:

  • brightness
  • contrast
  • gamma
  • sharpness
  • saturation, vibrance
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Supersampling settings on a game by game basis.
You always want the maximum supersampling that is possible with good performance. That is different in every game, so setting this globally really makes no sense at all.

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Done. And added more options on the Image Quality Render. 1.25 is slow for me, 1.0 is ugly.

Tips for 2018

I’m a new user. I purchase PiMax used because the older owner was not able to install the drivers after reinstalling Windows.

I went to the home page of PiMax to download the driver and there was no link.

Solution:, add a link [Drivers] that takes you to

After few I understand looking videos on Youtube that piplay is the driver. So I download from there the latest driver piplay2

The driver was in a zip format that contains a folder with several files and no explanation. just a confusing line that tells you: “Please do use the bundled VC and DX tools to repair your PC environment if Piplay occurred the issues in the process of using.” What I can understand is that I will probably have problems.
Solution:: Readme.txt file that gives you a link to a Installation Process video tutorial.

I press the support on the website and the web page was in Chinese
Solution:: make English page:

I went to the forum for more Installation instructions and I found this:
The interface is old and not the new 2 vr and the video show you Chinese buttons.
Solution:: Make a new Professional you-tube video that shows you all the installation process without Chinese buttons. And include the link in the Readme.txt file.

So I make a forum tread asking for help:
but the instructions were complex and pretty long.

Is much more important a good driver software with instructions that the content. Looks like you pay a lot of attention to the software content and less to the driver instruction and installation process.
Solution: In the readme file include second link, after the video that takes you to the actual version instraction as for example the downgrade unupdated vr1:
and update it.


  • Make it pug and play. (Is more important a driver than a content. Like a mouse, keyboard, monitor, joystick)
  • Do not include JAVA, need of JAVA. Because the general user can avoid the purchasing the product knowing that or return the product.
  • Do not use Java since general user does not use it and avoid it.
  • The launcher is not making the desktop shortcut icon
  • The launcher is not making the Quick Launcher shortcut
  • The launcher is not Automatically starting the PiPlay
  • The PiPlay2 is asking for admin authorization each time is started
  • Do not make me uninstall InternalGPU,
  • Do not make me disable the Integrated Graphics on the Mainboard
  • Make PiMax compatible with multi-monitor.
  • Make PiMax compatible with other VR device.
  • Join Unity developer team and make PiMax compatible with Unity Game Engine.
  • Add instruction in the Unity Learn section, for game developers with a video tutorial of how to Activate PiMax and set it up for Unity. Here: Getting Started with VR - Unity Learn
  • Add a way to understand when the PiMax components are broken.
  • Device Power Button On and Off 3sec instead of 7sec
  • Improve branding side, do not cheat: Call the 4K 2K or better just include a small “2x2” . PIMAX 2x2 4K VR or at the end in small “2K eye”, because the user wants to know and is expecting the per eye monitor resolution and is not expecting the performance impact cost. In this way, there is no visual “disillusion” as the first impact or it does not think you are cheating. And the disillusion is in the performance side that can pay for the visual quality improvement. If the user thinks is purchasing a “4K VR experience never be so clear” and later discovers is just a 2K in the eye then, after the disappointment, it will think also that PiMax, in general, is not good as a factory overall. And this does not help sales. Put the new branding name also over the box case. Include very visible: “4K VR monitor = 2K per Eye” well visible and make the same for “8K VR monitor = 4K per Eye”. This will help the branding side and sales. In this way is more clear and attractive to 80% 90% clients that think visually.
  • Do not use or use an alternative page. At the moment PiPlay fail to upload the new version and I’m not able to download a driver via becuse after downloading 80% of a diferent vr, the webpage, ask me my email. Pleas use the same web page to download as all other products do. Forr example . At the moment PiPlay2 fail to upload the new version and I’m not the only user experimenting this problem.
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