Suggestion: Local community shows of the new prototypes for the backers

Following the thread about from where who is I thought it might be interesting (if @PimaxVR will agree) to organize local community shows of the new prototypes (v4, v5) before the final release for the backers.

The idea is that interested backers will agree with Pimax and among themselves on time and a place (geographically following the backers distribution) with pointing one organizer who will manage the event locally. Pimax will then send someone or ship the prototype to the person.

The event should allow not only for the review, but also for the “wrap-up” session, so the participants could provide structured and formulated feedback to both Pimax and also to the others in the community. It should not be primarily for youtubers or high-profile exposure, but for the backers, who would be interested in having a chance to give some feedback and also possibly to meet the other fellow supporters.

The cost of the event will be split among the participants.

Would @PimaxVR @deletedpimaxrep1 agree to this idea?
Would such a feedback be of any use to Pimax? (It seems the time is tight.)
Would anyone be interested in organizing or participating in such event?

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It would be interesting if they did it in the Major cities that backed Pimax’s Kickstarter. There is a list of the Top backer cities on the Kickstarter page.

Sadly mine isn’t one and I’m 99% sure I’m the only one in my country that backed it.

Tha sounds expensive… I’d rather them spend out money on finishing the headset than to do a roadshow…

Think realistically here…


Speaking of finishing the headset, it’s about 5.8K headsets I’m suspecting most of them are the 5K and 8K and they are supposed to do it in 3months MAX?

Lmao? They are starting to ship in January… They say they can make 2000 headsets a month. We good.

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Where was this posted.

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Not sure I would have to search to find it again.

Edit: ya sorry can’t find it.

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Pretty sure it was in the comment section of the campaign.
I remember them saying our factories can produce between 1 and 2 thousand headsets a month.

I would be interested in this.
I am in NY and have backed 3 headsets. So I am 3 out of the 11 people in NY who backed.

Its a good idea, but I already paid them and would rather they spend the resources into making my final product better.