Strange smell coming from my PC?

A few minutes of stress testing usually doesn’t reveal anything. Let it stir for an hour or so.

Also, try different tests/benchmarks as they all do different stuff.


HWClock results look normal. CPU is not did not exceed 80degC under max load, which would have hit at least 100degC almost instantly if the heatsink were not making at least adequate contact. Similar for the GPU.

From the smell, I would strongly suspect either dust, or some kind of PSU. If it smells just like burnt electronics (letting the magic blue smoke out of the chips!), then a MOSFET or transformer, either near the CPU on the motherboard or in the PSU itself, is going bad. Alternatively, if there is a hint of fresh smelling ozone (unlikely), it could be arcing over the spark gap protectors in the PSU.

In any case, it is possible (though perhaps unlikely) a failing PSU could damage other components. Blowing compressed air through the PSU is wise.

However, if the smell happens again, then you definitely should post about it here so we can help you evaluate whether the PSU may be a threat to your system.


Thanks Matthew. I ran the stress tests for a short time, I’ll try them for an hour and different tests and report back the results.

I ordered this electric air duster off of Amazon, but it says guaranteed delivery date of May 19th (and that’s with Prime), so I might have to tolerate the dust until then:


I don’t know if this is relevant, but I have a bunch of USB ports in the front that don’t work well. Some constantly connect and disconnect whatever is plugged in and others not recognized. I only have 2 USB ports in the front that are reliably working and I think they are the 2.0 kind. Also once every hour or so, my mouse will disconnect for a second or two before letting me move it again. I think switching to another port in the back has fixed it. I do have like 6 or 8 ports in the back of my PC which seem to work mostly fine though.

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I have very serious doubts that ‘air duster’ could possibly compete with 50PSI air duster cans, much less a 100PSI compressed air source.

Consider adding this to your order. Used just for occasional heatsink fin cleaning, they should last years.

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I am afraid you won’t have any other option, as it is quite difficult to pinpoint the smell to any particular component over the forum :wink:.

What I would suggest, especially since you have not built the computer yourself, to do a complete disassembly and cleaning of all parts, all connector slots and do a thorough visual inspection. In cases like those I usually disassemble the PSU (you may skip it if it is still under warranty) and clean it and visually check it.

Contrary to common recommendations, I am using a vacuum cleaner instead of a dust blower, plus a brush with a firm and long hair to dust off the heatsinks. If necessary I wipe also all fan fins with the wet sponge, as they usually attract very fine dust, which has a habit of falling off after a sufficient build up. I remove all PCI cards and vacuum the slots and if necessary clean the PCB connectors as well.

But the key point here is that unless something starts producing a smoke, you are left with only visual identification, which means you really need to have a detailed look over everything.

My bet would be that it is some dust burning/melting in the PSU as these are usually quite hard to get into, while at the same time a good suspects to collect the dust easily.


Yes, I heard the electric one is not as powerful as a can, but gets the job done. Seems pretty powerful from the videos. I’ll consider the cans.

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The electric one cannot be powerful enough. A full shopvac directed into a similar nozzle would not be remotely adequate. Yes, you will see some loose dust blown out, but much of the dust will remain.

A pump (or evaporating cryogenic fluid in a can which was originally compressed by a pump) can accumulate pressures orders of magnitude greater, which generates a concentrated stream of air.

Only such a concentrated stream of air, or physical contact from a brush, can dislodge well-adhered finer dust, which is notoriously problematic in computer cooling.


Okay. I’m looking for an air can on Amazon Canada from a reputable seller that ships as soon as possible. There only seems to be stock from third parties and no prime options. I want a can free of ozone and harmful chemicals.


If you are in a hurry, you might want to buy it locally, if there’s a store in your area which sells it. Since it’s a pressurized can, it cannot be shipped by air (at least in the US). I get mine from MicroCenter, but any reasonably large computer/electronics shop should have it in stock.


Did this problem occur before the smell and the noise, or after ?
If it was after the noise, I would say your PSU is on its way out, as a spike from a failing PSU can destroy you PC. If it was Me I would change out the PSU, IF it turns out not to be the PSU, you will at least have a spear.


Hmm I don’t quite remember to be honest. At least one of the ports had connection issues as far back as January, so before the noise. I’m going try and do a thorough testing of all my usb ports to figure out exactly what’s going on. I know one or two ports didn’t work when I originally received the PC. I think that’s why I got the PC for a lower price than competitors.

I do remember there were a couple rare times when my PC would not detect ANYTHING that was plugged into the ports until I restarted my computer. Maybe that’s relevant. There were also a couple times in the past 4-6 months where I got a BSOD. I suspect it’s from overclocking my Corsair RAM to XMP 3200Mhz. The CPU and GPU are not overclocked.


If the front USB ports are faulty, you might want to disconnect them from the motherboard, to prevent any electrical shorts or other problems.


Most PSUs will shut down if overloaded, some don't, especially if faulty. I had a 750W PSU take out the hole MB and two HDs once.
What else do you have pluged in ?
I have 7 HD, 1 SSD, HOTAS, Steering wheel and pedals, mouse keboard, VR, 2 water pumps for graphics and CPU, 3 120mm fans, 4 140mm fans, But I run with a 1000W PSU.


sorry i’m wondering why you posted this here of all places? As it seems like a general pc topic that you would likely get better responses on stack overflow or linustechtips or something.

Youre even saying you are using and index headset?
so do you actually have a pimax?

Good question. He certainly would get more advice on a more PC-focused forum. (Not necessarily any better, just more.)

However, this is officially not just a Pimax forum. Even if he only has an Index, he might one day buy a Pimax.


Because atm he is waiting for the X. :smirk:


Good question @drowhunter. The reason I posted here is that it’s no longer a Pimax exclusive forum, but also because some people here are experts in both VR and PCs and since I mostly use my PC for VR, I thought it would be more relevant. I’ve also seen people are very helpful here and so far I’ve gotten more responses here than on reddit. To be fair though, I’m most active on this forum now. I have a habit of checking this forum like 10+ times a day lol. Waiting for my 8KX :stuck_out_tongue:


Well tbh even before the KS. This forum has always been more than just a pimax forum. Discussing other headsets pc hardware and more.

Just the Kickstarter has gotten the forum off track due to pimax being excessively behind in getting things done and product shipped.

I miss those days as it was better than.


I currently have DVD drive, 480gb main SSD, 2TB HDD, and an external portable 1TB SSD plugged into one of my front USB ports. I have 3 fans in the front, one in the back. In the back: I have monitor, mouse, keyboard, and valve index (usb & displayport), green audio jack, and 2 wifi antennas. When I play a racing game, I plug my Logitech G29 into the only other reliable USB port in the front.

My PC, monitor, Index, lamp, and TV Box are all connected to the same powerstrip which is plugged into an outlet.