it worked, thank you.
I have a problem.New 5k+, first connection, upgrade and stucked. Now blinking red-blue-green. Looks like it is in DFU mode but I started your Flasher utility and said Pimax in DFU mode! than I pressed Flash FW and showed me error: no device in DFU mode found!!
I restarted Flasher utility and shows that PIMAX not found!
I’m getting crazy
please any help??
Try this Flasher Tool
I run DfuSeCommand.exe but only black window appear and disappear fast. nothing happend.
I see 5k+ in devide manager as Guillemot STM DFU device…
For 5k/8k you can always simply use the DFU GUI tool located in your PiTool directory!
No need to download anything separately
Rightclick PiTool Desktop Shortcut > Open file location > start Dfu.exe
Win+R > %PROGRAMFILES%\Pimax\Runtime\Dfu.exe
Did you put your device in DFU mode manually beforehand? otherwise it seems your device is in a pretty bad state if the PiService doesnt even recognize it… You can still just try to push “download firmware” The tool then normally puts the HMD in DFU mode, flashes it and puts it back to normal mode again…
red-blue-green flaching. I see that:
and pressing any buttons (power, arrows) for 8 seconds … nothing happend
NEW 5k+ , first connection, end stopped in upgrading. that’s all. I even no chance to look at through!!!
Seems something interrupted the initial fw upgrade then…
If HMD is in this state already for > 30mins, try completely powering it off (pulling ac adapter) > restart your pc (just to be sure) > plug HMD in again > only run the DFU tool and download firmware from your dfudriver directoy.
You may need to check out this link.
I have bumped your user level.
I would also reccommend starting a support ticket as they can setupna Teamviewer session if needed to help get this fixed.
I checked. And DFU device will appear and disappear … looped… again and again…
So I think problem with hardware…
Start a support ticket and post ticket number here.
Sounds like its trying to “boot” then failing and going back to DFU, but it should stay there at least -_-
Did you try just clicking “Download Firmware” in Pitool DFU.exe as suggested?
Check if you have PiServiceLauncher.exe (service) stopped.
PiServiceLauncher.exe and other pi… stopped
Suppert centre helped by teamviewer. working now. DFU drivers issue