I haven’t tried 90fps headsets but to me 60 looks good. The Pimax has some kind of trickery that makes it look smoother, I think. The racing experience for me on Dirt Rally is amazing.
Yes I think so. The resolution is higher so it kind of balances out, but if you are having performance problems, 60 is pretty easy to hit, and you can also slightly lower Supersampling, or run in 1080p. It looks worse but I’m sure the required GPU for 1080p must be pretty low. That said nowadays I wouldn’t get anything less than a 1060 3gb (which is what I have). It will give you 2k 60fps.
If you use the 1.1.92 driver, then support is very good. Project Cars, Dirt Rally, Radial G all work fine for me (using revive sometimes). Pretty much anything on Steam VR or Oculus Home using revive works on that driver. Later drivers aren’t so good.
If you are mainly interested in racing games, nothing with positional tracking, I would say it is a good bet.
Well, the ghosting & lack of positional tracking really takes some getting use to but hopefully solutions are near.
Don’t believe the 60 FPS limit is an hindrance & the Pimax 4K is the best looking VR Headset available, just not the best performing & rightfully so, as it’s pushing the most pixels.
The Racing/Simulation type games are usually the most demanding so try not an shoot too low.
As stated above, most every title will work w/ a bit of research.