Road to (8K) VR

I know it’s probably early yet, but based on that Pimax itself sent us a survey asking whether we wanted HMD in January 2018 (or in April with the controls), I believe they took that attitude based on some production schedule. Would i´m asking a lot to Pimax share this planning with us the backers, so we have a follow up? For example, when we would have the prototype V4, V5 and the final product to go into mass production. In parallel with this, some new information about the stabilization of the refesh rate near 90 HZ? Any positioning would be welcome, of course knowing that there are risks and probably unforeseen and possible problems in this way, but in this case just readjust this plan with new dates.

Something just to allow our accompaniment while we wait.:blush:

@deletedpimaxrep1 @Matthew.Xu @PimaxVR

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They need more time…
And we have to wait more and ask less !!!

Once they have our money…you know the game
catch me if you can !!!

I hope thats not the way it is …

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There will be plenty of updates in December. Im expecting they will reveal the final prototype at the show in early Janurary. Let’s just be patient and hope they make this a solid product :wink:


I understood your point, but it is not about being impatient or not, but about whether they have a roadmap to follow, due to their own placement in making the headset available in January and this should be based on
something palpable, and so they could share this. Only that.:innocent:

Well if they have a roadmap it would be an extremely short one. According to their delivery dates it should be six weeks until the final design. I would just hold tight if I were you :wink:

We should just let them do their jobs. Modifying a prototype, getting all the pieces together, 3d printing them, updating the firmware and assembling the prototype can’t take just a week.

I agree that it would be nice to hear about some kind of roadmap, but if it’s a sincere one, it‘ll probably do more damage than just keeping quiet.

There is no way they will be able to meet a January deadline, and even April is extremely optimistic in my opinion.

We‘ll most likely hear more come CES in January, then it’ll be a comms blackout during Chinese New Year in February and possibly a final prototype some time in March/April.

Add two to three months for tooling, manufacturing test runs, software adjustments and the first backers might be getting their HMD before end of H1 2018, possibly full packages around Q3.

This would put them in a good position for a commercial release close to holidays 2018.

Personally I’d be very happy with that timeline yet as with virtually all KS projects the backers will be going bonkers, but that is to be expected and shouldn’t influence Pimax in the slightest.

Let’s just enjoy the VR we have right now and see how Pimax will be doing.


According to Pimax the V4 prototype will be ready mid December. I wouldnt underestimate their manufacturing capabilitys. The top management have a long history in micro displays

Look at how quickly samsung knocked out the Oddysey. Pitty it turned out to be rubbish :slight_smile:

What’s rubbish about it? I thought it was well received. I didn’t read too many reviews though.

The majority of “gamers” who have tried it claim its not worth upgrading to

I want to know if it’s actually running 1600P Native resolution? OR locked at 1440p?

How does that equate to “rubbish”?

It’s actually a very good unit, the best of all the Windows MR devices and better then the Rift\Vive in many ways. However if you already own a device the stance is it’s not that much better to warrant an upgrade.

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What show? …and how do you even know they’re making another prototype? To hit the January delivery that they promised, by now they should already have the final design for the actual product.

They have confirmed 3 more prototypes before manufacture. V4/V5 and the final production sample

Pimax confirmed V4 will be ready mid December

They are exhibiting at at this booth in Janurary. Most likely with the final unit