[Replied]Dear Pimax , where are the UK backers headsets?

“Speed” :joy:


remember yours is the creampie edition :rofl:


Shut up Mush!!! :joy:

creamy creamy


o the optimisum

£2k? That is a lot of change to cut a few months off waiting for preorders.

there’s no way its going to post feb

your pimax here
pimax speedy delivery company


Jean Mehdi live link

image https://i.imgur.com/XVs9Wdg.gif


I think there are a lot of first timers with this Kickstarter, tech projects more than any other are big gambles. Many folks think their backing entitles them to anything, it really does not, just look at all the people who lost out with the Skully project. Those not managing their expectations when putting money in the hands of a start-up company are just setting themselves up for an emotional rollercoaster.

Demanding types who shit the bed and kick and scream publicly on the forums are painful to watch for the more calmly tempered individuals. I steer clear of daytime reality television for the same reasons.

Regardless of whether you wait a week or a month at this point the experience still has time before it matures to being a presentable product with supporting software still in development. I suspect we will be waiting until eye tracking being released and the potential for variable lens distortion profiles for the get the full experience. It will happen, just a matter of when.


the current speedy shippment path


This has nothing to do with Kickstarter first timers but simply with the fact that they are not telling us the truth.

I have said it multiple times if they are honest and come up with a reasonable explanation why there might be delays no one would have had a problem with it. But they pretend everything is alright and if they do so they will be measured by that.

Since there is a sufficient supply of the 5K Plus headsets, if any 8K backers choose to switch to 5K Plus, we can ship it immediately

This post by Matthew is already 2 weeks old and to date i have not even received my tracking number.

Only one of the many examples.


Yeah, internal communication in their office is a mess and their plans change on short notice. They don’t have much to gain from deceiving you, they are making mistakes, they are novices. But they do go to great lengths to fix recognised faults. I too am in the 1xxx UK waiting list, but can appreciate trouble they are going to to resolve DOA’s. You can expect the same swift resolution to any issues you yourself may have when you get yours.

I have never heard of a company issuing replacements before receiving back defective units. Great for the consumer, a real shit show for PIMAX.

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Ok just arrived, where now ???:laughing::rocket::full_moon_with_face:

Ps : sry for being late but crazy traffic in London


Cmon it’s Friday :smile::sunglasses:


image https://community.openmr.ai/uploads/default/original/2X/7/712cda16ee1b105d0b57d327fed95c619f4c1708.png

My god you found it alright.


‘My god It’s full of stars.’ No that’s the dead pixels.


All good points. A clear reminder to me to stay away from kickstarter in the future.

Pimax was first and last, only backed as pimax had already delivered the 4k and so sick of low fov and sde.

Considering the risk/discount for backers the delay is negligible and its great news stock is imminent.


Can’t stand those guys either.

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you know where it is


I wish you all find RNG in your favour when you eventually remove it from it’s box. I am willing to clean out dust and dirt from behind the lens, as long as the pixels are all lit that will make my day. It’s DPD handling a scary thought.