Remember the eye strain issues with the 8K and 5K+? Lets discuss whether the 8K+ or 8KX will be plagued with these issues

Sounds like these people have been using the Pimax lenses with the incorrect settings (lower than the “60mm” shown on hardware minimum) just to avoid getting eyestrain, so no one has this problem huh?

Yep. I think you are Mr. Anderson one of countless duplicate accounts.

Checked your IP and it originates at almost exactly the same area on the map.

So 1. Australia - Check, 2. Less than 1 mile from 5 duplicate accounts - Check, 3. Lengthy rambling posts about optics, IPD and lenses - Check.


There are no software issues with the IPD on Pimax headsets then? I thought that most people who looked into it figured out you have to set your hardware IPD value -3mm to -6mm less than what is displayed on the screens to get the correct view?

There’s countless threads on reddit (even posters in this thread) with posts about people experiencing eyestrain and IPD issues with their headsets? (and they sold their headsets as a result because the issue was being ignored for so long).

The fact you seek to sweep the issue under the rug by ostracising one person who you’ve put on the spotlight when the community deserves a response to this issue speaks volumes. So disingenuous – handing out bans and mutes is not the right way to go about the problem when there are many people who have been vocal about it and who want an answer about it.

As possyguest said

Strange, this fellow is also located almost exactly at your location as well. With comments almost word for word identical to your own…

Bizarre that in all the places in the world, that multiple people would buy the same headset, experience exactly the same issue, find the exact same forum, the exact same thread and post exactly the same sentiments often with almost exactly the same wording? And these people all live within 2000 feet of each other. Amazing!


My 5k+ has been used less than 10 hours in nearly a year because i could never get a clear view without eyestrain.

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Why can’t they just own up to these issues and take the advice on the forum to improve? the evidence is overwelmingly there… Now Pimaxusa thinks geoffvader is the same person posting on 5000 accounts (who also sold all the used headsets) I bet.

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I always have eyestrain. There’s nothing I can do to alleviate it. It’s not ipd, it’s not placement on face.

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You and sweviver said at the show you don`t mind getting criticism, SO… there IS a problem, address it.
HO, and to save you looking up My IP, i am in the UK.


@PimaxUSA I really hope you don’t think I have more than one account but if you do this post should at least settle that me and vestavark are not the same account. Also please go answer the question I tagged you in previously. It is a simple question and would help me know if I need to buy a new GPU.

While I don’t think accusations without evidence are professional or accusations directed to people simply because they write an uncomfortable truth, I really don’t agree with everything you are saying.

IMO I think this statement is straight up BS. I raced 11 hours in the Daytona 24 recently in my Pimax including a 4 hour stint.

That’s not accurate. This thread is specifically discussing if the new headsets might have similar eye strain issues to the previous headsets.

How to use the software settings properly is common VR knowledge. Although I think each headset manufacturer would be best off providing a simple guide it is actually pretty straight forward. You headsets physical IPD should be matched to your own actual physical IPD. Ideally you would have your IPD measured. Your IPD is not fixed, it has a maximum measurement at infinite focus and will narrow as you look at objects closer to you. IPD settings of between 1-3 m focal length and infinite focus should work well. You may find small adjustments depending on the virtual environment to be more comfortable but this should not be needed. If you have not had your IPD professionally measured you could try to measure it in a mirror by lining up one eye at a time to eliminate parallax error but this should only be a ballpark and from here quickly switching from the real world to the headset back and forth until you have no double vision switching can be used as a way to get it close enough. Keep in mind as the Pimax is a canted design some people may require an adjustment period. It may help to use a slightly lower near focus IPD setting that is comfortable at first and gradually increase this to the correct setting. But keep in mind to avoid using an incorrect setting as you will try to adjust to this setting, you should ideally be trying to adjust to the most correct setting.

IPD offset is a setting to correct world scale in games where the IPD is being calculated incorrectly. Say your physical IPD is 65mm and the game or more importantly the stereo image or 3d video uses a fixed IPD of 63mm this is the situation where you would want to use an IPD offset. If you are playing a game and objects look too big or too small, like a steering wheel in a sim racing game, IPD offset if implemented correctly should be able to correct this. But generally speaking IPD offset should mostly only be needed for fixed media such as videos and images. This is why stereoscopic images should not be used to set IPD unless you can determine they were taken with a camera that exactly matches your own IPD.

Vertical offset is designed for people who have eyes positioned unevenly. Most people should not need this setting.

No guide more than this should be required. Pimax can steal that if needed, edit it and use it freely.

You are not accurately representing me here and the people you are arguing with are aware of my condition.

I have small angle esotropia strabismus which causes me to get double vision when my eyes are strained. I knew going into my experiment using incorrect settings it would strain my eyes and cause me double vision.

So I must adapt to seeing in the Pimax again as my eyes have adapted to the incorrect settings. And then I went and messed it up further with more experimentation. When my eyes are strained I must rest and eat healthy and spend time looking at the horizon to restore my vision. Using PSVR can also help due to its use of an infinite focal length.

I have now rested and I feel my eyes are ready for VR again. As muscle memory is a real thing I believe my eyes will expect the last incorrect settings I used in VR. As such I will go into VR at first with just one eye as I return my settings to the correct IPD but I am aware I will most likely need to go through the adjustment period again which is directly related to my eye condition. I don’t think people with typical vision will have the same issues I have but strabismus is commonly related to muscle weakness and often caused by imbalance vision between the eyes as it is in my case. My weak eye muscles don’t like being challenged.

Now I personally don’t think a canted lense design is the most ideal VR design but as I have said, I can mostly adapt to it and use it for long sessions. Yes it does cause me eye strain which leads to double vision, so does reading anything I am holding in my hands. My job also did and it is why I have not been able to continue my regular profession as welding now causes me severe eye strain which can cause me to lose my ability to focus after only a few hours of work.

I have already discussed my eye condition and the use of a Pimax with a specialist and they did express concerns. Soon I hope to return to my regular optometrist who I will also discuss the use of the Pimax with and hope to have a pair of glasses made specific for Pimax use. Due to the requirement of them being wrap around glasses to match the Pimax FOV as my current safety glasses do unfortunately there only seems to be safety glasses suitable for Pimax use making the exercise expensive. But there are no other comparative wide FOV options available.

You are also replying to @risa2000 here without background information. risa2000 doesn’t actually recommend using the Pimax like this and as I replied we have had this discussion previously.

People are doing this incorrectly. Due to the design of the Pimax the most clear part of the lens is not the part of the lens designed to be looked through. I don’t know the reason behind this design but what I do know is because of this people have been using the wrong method to set IPD and recommending the wrong method. You should set your IPD correctly and adjust to using the Pimax. There is some loss of clarity using the correct IPD setting. This loss of clarity is an acceptable amount.

I think the incorrect recommendations by other users is only compounding this issue causing people to continue to use incorrect settings and eventually give up.

I’m not sure that is the case here. As much as I don’t agree with the accusations that have been previously made to me and I don’t agree with this kind of deflection when someone posts an uncomfortable truth, a person with multiple accounts is clearly breaking forum rules that any community I have been a member of enforces. If I was a mod I’d have to ban them and that is nothing personal. And I’m a fan of open moderation despite the cons but I don’t think accusations should be thrown around unless there is no doubt.

Oh dear, you don’t seem to understand how the internet works. That’s okay I made a similar mistake years ago when I banned many accounts all with the same IP thinking they were all the same user, it turned out they were not. They all had the same provider in Europe who uses dynamic IP’s and recycled them.

I don’t know where this guy is located but in my case you probably can’t see my location accurately. Typically the location you will see from me is about 300-500 km from where I live through no fault of my own. This is because I’m on fixed wireless which connect to the fibre hub in my states capital city. As a result my location is often reported as there instead of where I am. Sometimes my location is more accurately reported as the closest city to me but I also don’t live there, I actually live in a nearby town. And one of those is only my location when my VPN is turned off. VPN use is common these days, the reason Hulu and Netflix can identify VPN’s quickly is because they will get thousands of users all with the same IP. At times you will see me posting from New Zealand and the US or places in Europe but I haven’t left Australia.

I’m guessing if you think this guy lives near me he actually might live up to 500 km from me or he might live just down the road. I don’t know him or where he lives.

Try my method above. If you have typical good vision at most you should only take a few days to adapt as long as you are using correct settings. I would suggest though from what you have written to get your eyes checked and measured. The eye specialist can tell you what your near IPD and infinite IPD are as well as if you have any issue with vertical eye alignment. Once you are using the correct settings try and tilt the headset slightly up or down. Many people find spacing the cushion a little helps and that is something hopefully the comfort kit improves.

It does not help that bad advice is being given and in the defence of Pimax they can’t stop that advice. The advice to use a stereoscopic 3d image to set IPD is bad advice. The advice to use an IPD that produces the clearest image is also bad advice. The only correct IPD setting is the correct setting, if people use the incorrect setting it will cause eye strain. So these eye strain issues are being compounded by people trying to help people with eye strain issues. The intentions are right but it’s a case of the blind leading the blind and they are all possibly helping cause blindness.

Some people like me will struggle with eye strain. This is because of the design being not ideal for my own eye condition. Any form of eye strain eventually causes me loss of focus and other vision issues including sitting in front of a computer screen. There are two factors, my previously mentioned strabismus and my farsightedness caused by my strabismus. Isn’t it interesting how things work? You start of with a muscle imbalance that is never picked up and never an issue because you have incredible vision beyond the average population. But you get some debris in your eyes at work and are unfortunate enough to get treatment from Dr Death on the day he decides to play eye doctor and he damages your vision in one eye permanently so much that one eye now sees everything smaller than the other. It turns out this vision imbalance can cause strabismus on its own but you’ve always had a muscle imbalance. Within a few years this presents itself as vision issues where you lose focus and your condition is diagnosed. And it turns out strabismus causes farsightedness and because of farsightedness any close up visual activity causes eye strain which contributes to strabismus. And so the circle goes. It turns out if not managed correctly you can lose vision completely in one eye. Of course here by you I mean me. But I have a eye condition that does not play well with a canted lens design. Most people don’t seem to have an issue at all. And I suspect plenty of people who do have an issue have an issue caused by user error. I suspect for the others they have a physical limitation of some kind. like the next guy

If it is really neither of those things, if you have actually used the correct IPD and allowed for an adjustment period. I’d recommend seeing an eye specialist and discussing it with them.

I think they have looked at it, the comfort kit is a direct response to looking at it.

Also improving edge distortion in their newer headsets is a response to it. I’m not sure why they are denying a problem here when they have already acknowledged it.

But I do think the issue is being exaggerated by recommendations encouraging user error which will further contribute to eye strain.

As I said in one of my first posts in this thread. Visual clarity is a factor in eye strain, eye alignment is a factor in eye strain and visual differences is a factor in eye strain.

The visual clarity is fixed and should not be an issue.
Pimax should provide a user guide to set up the IPD with warnings not to set it for optimal visual clarity warning doing so can contribute to eye strain.
Pimax should improve edge distortion. I have demonstrated the problem and the incorrect relationship to the IPD offset. Edge distortion will contribute to eye strain due to the imbalance in how each eye sees the object. If Pimax don’t understand this they should research why there is a risk in people with strabismus of losing vision in one eye. It is directly related to the brain ignoring the weaker eye’s vision due to the conflict of information. For a good VR experience it is very important that the objects in each eye are not in conflict by reduction of edge distortion and using correct IPD settings.
Pimax should in their user guide educate users of the correct application of IPD offset. How IPD offset should only be used to correct an IPD difference between the physical IPD and the rendered IPD. This should mostly be reserved for media consumption which is created with a fixed IPD and only in low quality VR games that incorrectly apply IPD. This is an issue with other headsets used in SteamVR in the past and it’s why SteamVR has the ability to change offset but I have not noticed this as an issue with my Pimax in SteamVR.

Unfortunately as I have shown there is an issue with an incorrect relationship between edge distortion and the IPD offset. Pimax should fix this. Unfortunately this also means people who use a smaller physical IPD setting incorrectly to increase visual clarity combined with a positive offset to restore correct IPD rendering would be increasing edge distortion which would increase their eye strain. That is why a larger incorrect physical IPD with a negative offset does not increase eye strain significantly as it reduces edge distortion.

I’d also recommend to someone struggling to adapt that perhaps trying a smaller FOV and working your way up could help with eye strain.

I’d also point out some other factors in eye strain.
Low refresh rates are known to contribute to eye strain in a percentage of the population.
My motion smoothing does not function correctly, I don’t know if everyone has the same experience but if they do motion smoothing may contribute to eye strain, it does for me.
Running low resolution because your PC is actually a potato is likely to cause eye strain.

And I have caught up.


There are no Pimax meet ups to demo close enough for me to travel being right in the USA heartland


At the meetup in Orlando, while I was trying the 8k X at one point I noticed that it seemed I couldn’t quite get both lenses to be in perfect focus. My IPD is around 60, and I had it set all the way down. It still looked sharp if I put it just right, but this might maybe cause some eye strain problems. Perhaps it was just this unit, but either way I do think Pimax should increase the lower IPD range a couple millimeters. It’s such a small thing and it could help users such as myself if this is a widespread issue. Assuming the 8k X/8k+/5k Super aren’t in mass production yet, please consider this. @PimaxUSA


I think they should try to increase the IPD range just a tiny bit for lower IPD users. 2mm should be possible.


Yep last time I checked i was around 60. I need to get measured again


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Do you mean this one? Where it is explained and how the distortion profile has been being adjusted fairly often and has solved issues for some?

Now if you owned one of these headsets you’d also know more about the custom lenses on the pupil side are not flat around the center like standard gen1 vr headsets. Which alters property of the lens vs a standard traditional designed lens.

Yes an IPD setup guide is something we plan to implement in a future release.


There is no topic that I can find that matches your insinuation.

I do know of the question about the profile being applied which there was several responses and @jojon politely stated he wanted a pimax engineer’s response. That thread is intact.

Shape of the lens does not give you topography of the pupil side of the lens. So yes from pics you know the perimeter shape.

Same optics yes.

Would this be the same community that is complaining about eye strain? SMH

No. The only correct response to this issue is to fix what is causing the software distortion. No IPD offset should be changing the compression of objects when viewed with one eye. The object should never be compressed at any setting. Someone messed up. It has nothing to do with physical adjustments or this mod. FWIW my wife tried VR in the Lenovo Explorer and I did not bother measuring her I just put the headset on her and immediately she threw the headset off and left the room and wanted nothing to do with it. Later after she had calmed down I decided to measure her IPD and sure enough she was in the mid 50’s and the Lenovo has an IPD od just over 63mm with no physical adjustment. I changed the software adjustment to the lowest setting of 57 IIRC and asked her to try it again and that time she enjoyed it.

I don’t think there is any need for this extreme mod. I do think there is a need for a good software adjustment.

It is hard to know exactly what you are saying here as it starts with you using the incorrect term and then for the rest it is not clear if you are claiming Pimax recommend -5mm less or if you are saying you think it should be -5mm less than Pimax reads out or recommends. It is a very badly worded sentence also using the term viewport incorrectly.

Anyway my point for quoting this is if you are claiming Pimax recommend a specific setting, please point me to it so I can verify what you are saying.

For all the reasons already stated by me earlier. You sure jump to a lot of conclusions based on nothing.

The visual clarity is improved by better panels with elss screen door and higher resolution and better colours.

The headsets were presented in a controlled environment where they would be setup optimally for the individual.

They were all fitted with the comfort kit.

They have changed the distortion profile and as I have pointed out with the IPD offset issue there is an issue with the 5k+'s distortion profile.

That’s more than enough to account for the difference in experience.


If anything would cause eye strain its the walls of text in this thread! :smile:


You are being a little aggressive with your response, but you make good arguments and questions