Racing Games and Base Stations do i need them?

Hey all

All ill be using vr for is racing games. seating down do i still need the base stations?

Thx for your help

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A lot of people will tell you rotational tracking is enough for cockpit style gaming, which I disagree with. You’ll want one base station, which lets you lean, including looking around your seat or closer at your control panel. There’s less need for either with higher resolution and wilder field of view, but the experience of it not working is at best jarring.


thanks for reply::ok_hand::ok_hand::+1::ok_hand::ok_hand::+1::ok_hand::ok_hand::+1::ok_hand:

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I am buying the 8K for the same reason. You can buy 1 base station for tracking. Just add 75USD to your pledge. When kickstarter closes they will ask you for details


Indeed a user was mentioning looking over the shoulder with just rotational tracking was making him look at the headrest as there wasvno lean.

No, you dont need it to experience full experience and for sure you won’t suffer without boddy tracking as in a racing game you always sit at same position, means they are not really designed for body tracking even if they support it.

Of course it might be fun to pull the head out of the car window while driving circle track with 300kmh, however it’s not what you wanna do all the time :smiley:


We’re not talking about body tracking, we’re talking about head tracking. And I for one prefer the feel of sitting in the seat over the feel that the car is dangling from my head.

Gyros would be enough but the question is have they fixed the gyro drift problem in the 8K? We wont know untill we try it :wink:

Well he did cover the idea of head tracking with putting the head out the window to get air. :v::joy::+1::sparkles:

I dont know what you’re talking about, but the thread creator asked if he NEED a base station.
Basestations are designed for bodytracking (including your head, it’s part of your body too) and in fact there is NO NEED in any base station for a racing game

My opinion stays same:

  • racing games are not designed for body tracking (including leaning)

Racing games can offer such things for players in VR to increase immersion, however these are not required in order to play a game as it was meant my game designer.
A good racing chair and many other things could increase game immersion too, but they are not necessary needed, all you need in a racing game is ability to look left, right and in front of you. This can be done without basestation.


I do agree its more of a want & was describe that its not necessary but does give the benefit of leaning closer & for over shoulder checks.

I think it was a dcs user mentioned turning ones head lets you see the head rest.

So for imersion one might say 1 base station or alternative tracker is a must. Again user specific preference of imersion level.

Like Hotas & thrustmaster driving/piloting add-ons.

When considering a headset like this I’d say we’ve already moved from needs to luxuries. My personal opinions is that the positional tracking is important to make VR headsets worth the effort; lacking it is a major reason why panoramic video feels so awkward (literally sickening for some), and it just gets worse in interactive media. I’d say the cost of a lighthouse base station is far more bang for the buck than the step from the 5K to the 8K. But it’s also something that can be delayed as an upgrade.


Racing games as with any other seated VR experience will benefit from having 6 Degrees of Movement as opposed to 3 that gyros alone will bring.

Not sure what inside out tracking will bring to the table in that regard but a single lighthouse will make a big difference to in cockpit visuals.

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thanks for all your input peps

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The real question is will the inbuilt gyros work properly? The Pimax 4K had a major drift issue so you had to keep re centering the headset. Really frustrating when your trying to focus on driving

If your tight on money it would be safe to buy the headset alone and try the on board gyro tracking first. If it does drift OR just doesn’t feel good enough with basic head movement you could pickup a single HTC Vive base station to enable 6 DOF seated tracking.


All gyros drift, it’s impossible to make a gyrobased tracking system that doesn’t drift, that’s why SteamVR use lighthouse to reset position.

Any kind of headtracking without 6dof is terrible in my opinion and should never be considered.

There are other methods of anchoring gyro drift, such as magnetometer for compass heading and accelerometer for gravity (those three combined are your typical “9dof” IMU). Each sensor has its own advantages and the better systems tend to combine several kinds.

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Yeah valve fixed their Steamcontroller of gyro drift.

As said all gyro based systems drift and require recalibration, either countinously or at certain intervals. There are of course different ways to do this but they still require it.

An HMD requires recalibrating more often than a controller and the steam controllers do drift.

Wouldn’t the inside out tracking module be enough to play sims?