Problems with STEAM VR in Pimax Mode

Hi Folks,
I bought a Pimax Head Set. With Firmware 1.2.57 everything works well. After entering the room scale with successfully settings, I want to start my downloaded vr games in Steam. So I dropt down in the Steam VR pop up window, where my head set is green and detected, scroll to work shop to open my bibliothek in Steam VR, nothing happens, I clicked on work shop but nothing happens. I am new in this case , and need your help to solve the problem. I don’t know, how to get into Steam VR. Can anybody help me, what I doing wrong , or give it another way to get into Steam VR to start my downloaded games in VR. best regards, Eike:slight_smile:

I reccommend downloading the latest beta 1.2.75

What is bibliothek?

Gamewise for downloading probably easiest in regular steam on desktop. In big tv mode (vr or regular use a gamepad to navigate ie xbox, steamcontroller, logitech 710 etc.)

Just be sure to read vr game requirements as some require motion controllers & roomscale.

Some steam vr games i can reccommend are:
Sublevel zero (flight game; descent like)
Ethan Carter with VR Dlc (first person game)
Starfighter CDF (ED like)

Hi Helio, many thanks for your reply. I will try to use the latest 1.2.75 firmware.
Bibliothek, sorry that is german word for library. So you mean. Starting Steam VR on piplay, make room scaling, after successfully calibration , and head set is recognize by piplay, I will start my steam downlodad games, find in my library.
Switch from standard steam to steam VR by the head set icon in the right corner on top of steam main screen.
Because when I try to open my Steam VR library , by the drop down menue of Steam VR ( small pop up window with green lighted head set. There I can go by another way to Steam VR library by clicking examining work shop. But Steam VR didn’t open its Steam VR main screen. Are you able to give me in short words, how to play Steam VR games with the Pimax 4K HMD. That will be great. best regards, Eike

My favorite Flight Simulation Game on Steam Platform is Aero Fly FS 2 in VR.

Okay think i got it.

On your main monitor you have the steamvr status that shows your headset connected in green

Put headset on. You should see a blank space with lines traveling away from you into the distance.

Press home button on your comtroller & menu should show.

Heyy Helio,

yesterday I dowloaded the newest firmware 1.2.75. Make the correct installation acc. to the description.
After successfully install of piplay, I started Steam VR in pimax mode, status that shows your headset connected in green with pimax logo. Room scaling , after that head set is ready for use. Starting Steam VR library, where I found my downloads. Click on my game, want to play in VR and it starts correctly. Think with the new firmware up date , the connection to the steam data base is much better. Now I can enjoy my games with my Pimax 4K. I was very impressed about the image in the head set. It is like real flying, you sit in your plane and fly, but in real you sit in front of your PC in your room. Wow. I think I had 2 problems for starting correctly. First the newest firmware solve the connection with Steam Platform, and the 2nd was , my VIA USB 3.0 Driver was not correctly installed. I fixed this problem with a 3 party Driver Repair Tool. Here are my specs. WIN 10 64 bit, GTX 960 ; 16 GB Ram. Yesterday, I had some flickering from the LED of the head set from red to blue and blue to red. Piplay didn’t found my Pimax. I switsched it off, hold 10 seconds, wait a moment and switsch it on . Problem was solved , Head set was connected and my session with Steam VR goes on.And at last one prolem occured, when I try to switch from video mode to pimax mode. After that Piplay didn’t find my Head set. Only a complete re install of the software fixed the problem. I spend a lot of time for installing , re installing , connection , disconnection… rebooting my system. Hope for that I get a chance to enjoy my flying with pimax.
Helio, many thanks for your support. You are a good man.:slight_smile:

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Your very welcome & thanks! Let me know how it goes; enjoy!