PiTools Service adding .6 ns of latency when doing nothing

The incompetence of Pimax employees no longer needs to be demonstrated, so there is the script I use to start and stop pimax services (save this script in a .bat file). You just have to execute as administrator.

echo off
set ServiceName=PiServiceLauncher
set ProcessName=PiService.exe
tasklist /fi “imagename eq %ProcessName%” |find /v “:” > nul&&(
sc query “%ServiceName%”|find “STATE”|find /v “RUNNING”>nul&&(
sc start %ServiceName%
timeout 10
sc stop %ServiceName%
) || (
sc start %ServiceName%

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Nice script.

Uncalled for. Especially since this seems to be a small nuisance. Small company, new products, minor nuisance.

I consider every aspect of SteamVR, Steam, and Oculus, to be packed full of far worse major nuisances and breakage.


This is no excuse for the accumulation of all the mistakes and lies they initiated from the start.

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Aside from that remark being excessive complaining, and off-topic for this thread, a little bit of idle latency doesn’t fit in such a category.

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Excessive complaining? First of all that’s not complaining, it’s a fact. You should open your eyes, there’s no shortage of examples
I was one of the first to defend Pimax, but enough is enough.

Some interesting behavior. If you turn on the hmd without starting the service first there’s an issue that the hmd won’t enable. You’ll see the front light come on but pitools won’t see it and it’ll never go green. Toggling the service and power cycling the unit does nothing. Needs a full system reboot. I was able to repeat this a few times.

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