PiTools - pvr_getHmdInfo - Resolution Problem on Pimax 4K

I just wanted to +1 here. world-locked quad is unpleasant issue in UI. I am going to try downgrading to v281 for now, but this needs to be fixed.


Agreed! Please pimax fix the quad layer issue!

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Ping on that as well. I would love to make some of these workarounds conditional on Pitool version so that i don’t have to ship 2 versions of PimaxXR.

I was hoping there is a pvr_get*Config() I could use.


I just reverted to 280 and it works like a dream. I do not understand exactly what is going on but not only layer tracking was weird with 284. It also looks like PVR handles resubmission of layers if game does not submit ones. This is critical for loading screens etc when game freezes. I was about to write multithreaded submission in mhy code but it looks like it is not necessary! It is just that in 284 something is broken (when no frames are submitted, tracking freezes).

Another thing is that 280 does not need PiTool to be running, which is much more convinient for complex sim setups. EDIT: I was wrong, starting pitool is still required with 280 :frowning:

EDIT2: 281 also works correctly with quad layers, but 284 definitely not, it’s broken.


I’d also like to mention that workaround @mbucchia has for world locked quads in post 283 does not provide the correct experience, it improves it but it is still wrong. The real fix in PVR is needed.

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