PimaxVR MAS Alternatives

5. Quest 1 Strap Adapter With Custom Audio.

As I shown yesterday on another thread I got this headstrap made for Quest 1 on AliExpress
I printed some hinges to make this fit
And it was great, confort is outstanding lol

so I had to add it speakers, I used the one I had on my previous https://community.openmr.ai/t/printed-8k-5k-headstrap-with-headphones/22068/17
and voila :

As I noted in the post, I used drivers from cheap AE headphones and the sound is amazing, if the DAS as a 7/10, KDMAS a 7,5/10 (because of huge bass) this one is 10/10…hardly can be better.
Rubber bands are for maintaining pressure on the ears.

I will pack every files and put this on Thingiverse in case someone want try it out.