Pimax, please include a 6mm facepad

The Vive comes with 2 foam facepads. One for wide faces, and one for narrow faces. The problem is that they’re really thick. You end up losing some of the field of view due to this. Please include a 6mm foam facepad. It’s crazy how such a small change can make such a drastic difference.

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Since the Pimax is all about FOV I very much doubt that it is gonna make a significant difference. I agree that it adds a little FOV probably 3% with Vive (I use 6mm as well) but it comes with a little comfort sacrifice, but still 103 instead of 100 is noticeable for some people, so this “Trade Off” with Vives Ski Goggles is okish.
on the other hand 203 instead of 200 won’t be a big deal and probably not worth the sacrifice. A bigger foam also deals slight better with vibrations and shaky movements.

LOL losing field of view

Hey man, you’d be surprised. I know the Pimax 8k has an insane fov already, but more is better in terms of field of view.

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3%? More like 15% It’s pretty noticeable. Also I have to disagree on the shaky movements. With a thicker face pad the headset sticks out farther, resulting in worse weight distribution on the front and more wobbliness with head movements.


This doc-ok article explains. FoV vs lens to eye. 5% is more realistic vs 10 to 15%

That’s the most noticeable 5 percent I’ve ever seen then.

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If that’s the case, the fov would be 210. That’s insane man. Only 10 degrees left :thinking:

Well if you look at Rd2VR review if Panasonic’s rough 220 FoV with 4 display panels & fused optics. He states the FoV difference is really noticable compared to StarVR at 210 FoV for a 5 degree difference per side & pimax at 10 degree per side.

I guess we’ll have to wait and see. I’m sure someone will start selling facepads for the Pimax 8k. Unless the 6mm we already have will work fine. :thinking: Might have to cut my eye lashes off though :joy:

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I couldn’t find the review. Please post a link. Thanks!

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You beat me to it lol

Chrome had the link prepared when i searched. Algorithms are beutiful :wink:

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Indeed i just stepped out to google. Lol

I can see edge of display when the facepad (cushion) is too much thin and I think that my fov is so wide.

I can see lenses frame at middle when the facepad is too much thick.

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The shape and weight distribution of the headset itself ,along with overall strap configuration/tightness and placement in relation to the head, has way more to do with “shakiness” and “wobbliness” than the thickness of a face pad in my opinion.

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The faceplate plays a part in weight distribution. If it pushes the headset away from you more, obviously it’s gonna be more front heavy.

…ahhh, no, unless it were 4 inches thick maybe.

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When this thing finally comes out of the wild there will be plenty of aftermarket facepads to satisfy anyone.

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