Pimax Pitool Cloud OFFLINE!?

Hello dear users and dear Pimax team.

At that time I wrote about 40 profiles for the pitool experience cloud. Everything for Pimax 8KX with 3080/3090.

It was really great to just start games and not have to set anything else. Because the settings were stored in the cloud.

And then the cloud was simply offline! :frowning:

I would like to keep working on it. I would like to continue working on the cloud. I want to make Pitool better.

PLEASE Dear Pimax Team, bring the cloud back online!
I miss this feature.

@PimaxQuorra @PimaxUSA



We appreciated all your hardworks towards the PE Cloud Profile.

Please allow me to check with the team on this shutdown.


I really hope this feature makes its way into future Pimax software clients.

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is there any positive news?

It would be really nice if this function finds its way back into Pitool.


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Bump @PimaxQuorra