Pimax is hell! followed by sends never seen!

I am very unhappy !!! I regret my purchase suddenly …
the commitment of pimax is to send their helmet on time, But their first commitment is to have it at home!
I explain myself I am P122426
I should have received my helmet on March 4 we are still March 22 nothing! my helmet is traveling in europe and is returning to the united kingdom with the following problem: sheet for the de-clearance missing for Switzerland.
it is parked in a depot dpd at stoke.
Despite many emails I received a lot of messages auto. then miraculously !!!, two people answered me following the case …
I am at the end of my 3rd week of waiting and nothing moves! my message becomes a dead letter, and in general I am told the Chinese time: 1 mail per week, which corresponds to 1 mail per day in Europe!
if someone from pimax looks at me, why do not you send me another pimax 5k + …
Send me another, and carrer you who will stay for life at dpd or I think!
I am really disappointed with this story and this society …
if I would have known I would have taken a less powerful helmet, but with better support.
Dallas has made a statement of a better speed of



Dallas has made a statement of a better speed of sending and service after sale: NOTICE to new c is xxxxxxxx !!!
It’s breaking arms !!! flee the new !!!

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its bad but your not alone as backers still await theres as well me included

yes he has worse …
but when your package is 300km from the door of your home and it returns where it comes from, so that the logistics of breaking arms we forget to put the EDA for export, I ask myself a lot of questions. …
but backer is worse.
courage to them

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For information ,
Mozi just answered me …
And the logistics will provide another delivery.
For those whom I could hit by my vocabulary, excuse me.
I think I’m more quiet, and tell me something good is going to happen to me.
I will keep you informed of the evolution for which it will be able to interress …
Fingers crossed…:crossed_fingers:

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live in hope but dont hold your breath as many people have been told many things many times and yet still await their units

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Based on his explanation though, the problem seems to lie with the shipping company and not with Pimax. It’s actually very good of them for sending out another unit. Hopefully this time around it will reach its destination.

As a Kickstarter who waited 2 years from when I expected my headset, I find it difficult to sympathize over a few week delay…but I will try.
I was at the very end of the KS and the 5K+ I received was free of the flaws many of the earlier backers complained about. No dead pixels, no strange black dots, no faulty cable, and no cracks, The software, although very much a WIP is improving as we go. Although I qualify for none of the stretch goals as a last day backer, I am quite happy with the hardware I received and the wait was worth it IMO.
Point here is although waiting is a bitch, the up side is your chances of a better product are much higher, the longer it takes.
A few months back, the question of whether this product would even ship was on some peoples minds,
You can stress over a few weeks delay or find solace in the fact you will get your headset and be better off not despite but because of the delays.
Not excusing the inefficiencies of this company, but watching them grow over the last 2 years, I am heartened by the fact they are learning and growing.
You can also take solace in the fact that the community here is one of the most passionate groups you will find and much of what has been achieved goes to that dedication and their constant feedback.


Hi a45amg, Really sorry! It is our mistake that to miss some documents, we have asked our partner to re-arrange the delivery and require them to make sure that the related documents are ready. Please give us some more time and the tracking number is:

P122426 DPD-EUR 5533241935

I cant see how they are learning and growing as a backer in the UK i am still awaiting my 5K+ and 8K so tell me where are the improvements that i am meant to see?

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I can see where your experience would have you feel that way. There are no absolutes and as I said “Not excusing the inefficiencies of this company”


2 years? You should have a kickstarter of your own, so you can mass produce that time machine you have there. You’ll be a billionaire!


Have no idea what that means.
Disregard that. I see I have no math skills this week. That wooshing sound is your point blowing over my head. lol


You qualify for all of the stretch goals, because you ARE a backer! I was a last day backer as well.


Well that is nice to know. Thx


Arrived Sanghai March 25 no update since … Apparently a new helmet is send …
weird that story …
Recus tracking March 4th, it’s April 9th.
the mozi dpd tracking does not exist in their base to give blow …
Patience …


i can’t even have the refund paper and i don’t even know if i would receive the product. this feel like a scam… it makes me anxious.

arnaque ça peut être un gros mot …
beaucoup ont reçu leur pimax sans problème et avec beaucoup de patience certe …
mais pour ma part je ferme la bouche pendant 2
semaines, alors que le 4 mars mon pimax était à la douane de mon pays reste 1 semaine, et est
rentré en Angleterre …
mon problème de documentaire devait être
corrigé … alors j’ai vu sur le forum qu’une feuille de suivi existe , et je m’apercois qu’il est a sanghai
depuis 25 mars.
il doit encore prendre ce maudit de bateau de merde , puis recomencer son chemin jusqu’a moi… je reste calme , vraiment j essaye de faire le vide parfois.
personne pour expliquer ce qu il se passe et te donner un delai…
Dallas a l’air d etre un type bien , ses collaborateur aussi, mais quand je recois un mail de sa part 3semaine apres pour me demander si j au recus mon pimax… mais qu es qui cloche chez eux, au lieux de partir dans tous les sens et de soit disant suivre des suspen- alors qu’eux meme sont perdue… pour me demander si je l’ai recus !?
c est lui qui doit etre au courant , c est pimax qui envoye les colis… je n’ai pas pu etre backer car c etait finis, donc j ai attendu comme un backer , et attendue cette fameuse pre order…
alors si quelqu un reponds de nouveau de la merde avec ses j ai recu mon casque et j ai attendu plus de temps que toi … je garde le reste pour moi…
vraiment decus , il manquerai plus que je le recois dans un mois et genre inutilisable pour retourner au triple screean et oublier cette vilaine histoire.
je pense meme pas au remboursement, car pour moi cette argent je n’en veut pas .
Pourquoi n’ont pas envoyer nos pimax normalement et directement chez depuis la chine?
J aurais preferais payer 120dollars de livraison et gagner 1 voir 2 mois d attente .
j’image pour quel raison ils ont decider cette strategie de livraison…
je le garde pour moi…
Vraiment dand mon cas je suis degouter , et rien ni personne ne pourras changer cela .

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scam it can be a big word …
many received their pimax without problem and with a lot of patience certe …
but for my part I close my mouth for 2
weeks, while on March 4th my pimax was at the customs of my country stays 1 week, and is
returned to England …
my documentary problem had to be
corrected … so I saw on the forum that a follow-up sheet exists, and I see that it is a sanghai
since March 25th.
he still has to take this damn #%^%# boat, then go back to me … I’m still, really trying to empty sometimes.
person to explain what he is going on and give you a period …
Dallas looks to be a good guy, as his collaborator, but when I receive an email from him 3semaine after asking me if I in my Receipts PI, max … but that are wrong at home, at places of from all over the place and supposedly follow while they are suspended even lost … asking if I Receipts?
it is he who must be aware, it is pimax who sent the packages … I could not be backer because it was finished, so I waited like a backer, and waited for this famous pre order …
so if someone replies %#^^*%# again with his i got my helmet and waited for more time than you … i keep the rest for myself …
really disappointed, he will miss more than I receive in a month and kind of unusable to return to the triple screean and forget this ugly story.
I think not even the repayment, because for me this money I do not want it.
Why do not normally send our PI, max and directly in from china?
I would have preferred to pay 120dollars of delivery and win 1 see 2 months of waiting.
I picture for what reason they decide this strategy delivery …
I keep it for myself…
Really in my case I am disgusted, and nothing and no one will be able to change that.

si c’etait pas du fait que j’ais demender un rembourcement… il y a un mois… et il s’apretait a le ‘‘shipper’’ malgre ma demande. mais, bon rendu la, une basse station htc va faire la job pour traquer le mouvement de ma tete… c’est comme si les departement ne se parle pas entre eux. sa sent la faillite si sa continue comme ça. joking aside i think they have to translate toute les demendes en chinoi… ils doivent se perde dans la traslation.