Pimax Business Edition Software

Hello! I recently received a pimax and fortunately or unfortunately it appears to be the business edition model. I understand there is quite a difference between the two screens – pros and cons…

I’m wondering – is there a version of the pimax software specifically for the business edition? It would make sense since we can leverage the higher refresh rate of the display… Thoughts?

Check zozovr. The BE appears to use same software. The “features” are in the firmware.

Time travel you ran shows 8 frames more than 4k model & -1ms on response. Now thats only 68 fps but might be a limited by the experience

Inthink i also have the same problem, but the experience is really bad…in my flight simulators i have 33 fps and in pimax software many options are greyed, also the head movement is really bad, not fluid…it is not as seen on reviews…my serial number is 102
I also have an Oculus Rift and also if the resolution is slighlty worse it is much more better in every other aspect…
Can we use the firmware of this black edition maybe?is there a guide to do it?

Truth you are using the BE firmware. @Sjef probed the 248 firmware its config is not for the lcd 4k panel.

Its also why the 4k model options are disabled.

The firmware tells piplay what options your headset has.

The BE in this means Business Edition. Lol not like amd cpus. :smirk:

Yes but why i have a very bad head movement (i am not talking about drift)like stutter, and not onlynin games, i have the same effect for example in the steamvr menu…maybe the software is not good for this model?

If have have stutter in steam vr try to remove Piplay, steamvr driver and graphics card driver and reinstall everything. That helped me.
To make a clean install use revo uninstaller.
@Virus If you have a amd gpu use the 17.4.4 driver

even with the new firmware for batch 102, I think it is .165 the framerate is not higher then 66 fps. But I haven’t tested it really.

@Messiah866 thanks…anyway i have nvidia gpu (gtx 1070)
I have stutter both in steamvr and in games…but it is not something related to computer performance, but more to the head movement…this is why i wrote also in steam vr to point out that there can’t be related to computer performance…i can assure you that it is really bad i cannot feel as i am there…it is not Vr it is just a very bad…3d view
another annoying problem i have is that in il2 bos and dcs world with ww2 planes in have the gunsight crossed (left and right part inverted) it is very strange

Have you tried to reinstall this stuff?

Yes that is very interesting

i am trying now…hope i am not losing time…

Hey how do you have your monitor & headset connected?

I reccommend connect the headset to the gfx cards hdmi port. Your monitor connect it to Display Port (use adapter if no dp on monitor)

Dvi & hdmi share paths & maybe causing interference.

Also look up your gfx card model; there are a few posts even in nvidia forums that not all 1070 & 1080 models have proper vr support (ie issues with founders edition)

i have tried to reinstall everything twice…
i tried 1.1.92 software and my view was distorted/stretched but the movement was without stutter also when at 33 fps
then uninstalled (all with revo uninstaller) and reinstalled 1.2.75 and the view is with stutter again…
i want to return my headset…but don’t know how to do…gearbest answer me for video when there is no video to do…they just sent me another object

Have you tried the new piplay 1.2.185. This should come with a new firmware.
I only experienced the stutter with mine but this was due to graphics driver problems.
I don’t know if this can cause a problem but from what I read here in the forum the 1.1 have a different folder structure to the 1.2. Have you deinstalled the old piplay before installing the new one.

I personally never dealt with gearbest before and their return policy therefore I can’t be any help.

Have you tried to contact @PIMAX-Support they should be able to help you with either hardware or software problem relatiing to the headset.

yes i completely uninstalled piplay software…
i did not try 1.2.85 as i tought it was only for nolo vr users to make it work with pimax…could try it…but i am not happy with the headset right now
Yes i contacted pimax support to the email given…i hope they find a solution or i will ask to give the headset back

Hi, what value of “Render” you set in Piplay 1.2.75 setting? You’d better to use debug_tool of Piplay setting to export logs to support@pimaxvr.com for our analysis, thanks.

Check this link.

I answered on the mail

Ok got it…butni have a vr ready gaming notebook from msi and works well with oculus rift

Cool. Just figured to ensure we have alk the bases covered.

Support is really good; if needed they have a skype with teamview.