Pimax Artisan to feature Nolo VR Tracking/Controllers + Pimax 4k like headphones

Dear Pimax community,

today I had the chance to sit down with Pimax COO Kevin Henderson for an interview. In a nutshell, these are the interesting bits of info:

Pimax Artisan will come with tracking and controllers from Nolo VR, moreover it will ship with headphones similar to those of the Pimax 4k. FOV is 140° horizontal/170° diagonal and therefore similar to the “normal” setting of the current Pimax headsets. Artisan is using 2 displays (LCD) with full RGB Stripe matrix and offers manual IPD adjustment. There will be 2 Artisan SKUs, one version with Nolo tracking/controllers and headphones similar to those of Pimax 4k and a standalone version without the Nolo tracking/controllers and headphones. Both SKUs are still compatible with Valve Lighthouse tracking and include the full sensor set needed to work in a Lighthouse environment. Prices are said to be competitive and will be revealed at CES 2020.

Pimax 8K X and 8K Plus are both ready and small amounts of stock are being sent out in this month already. End of February, March devices will be sent out a good scale, according to Kevin Henderson.

Full interview can be watched here: Pre-CES Interview with Pimax COO Kevin Henderson - Artisan to come with Nolo VR Tracking/Controllers - YouTube

Bye, Sebastian


Thank you @mixedrealityTV for this info :slight_smile:

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Wow, that is waaaay beyond my imagination.
Is it Nolo cv1 or Nolo cv1 Air?

I think the more important news in the interview other than another unknown pimax HMD being shown at CES, but also that all customer support for the world is out of China now (no longer US/UK)


Yeah, great, so 8K-X is shipping already, yet BACKERS don’t even have return labels for their loan units, so yet again backers who paid 2 years ago are getting the shaft in preference to pre-orderers who paid a higher price.

Kevin told me those first units go to backers.


Yes but it must not be a bad move, as the recent improvements show!

I’d love to know what criteria they are using then, because the majority of 8K-X backers had loan units and have not yet had return labels, so some sort of game of favourites is going on.

Don’t be offended, but it might be more about logistics and team structures and less about preference of nicknames …
I guess just some sort of info on how many a week or something could help to know that progress is made .

I guess that we just still have to be patient as they are ramping up support now, the production and CES. I know it’s hard.

Thats not i meant.

Some of us have been asking for months for return labels as we wanted to be ready for the 8K-X release so that we wouldnt get passed over. But else haven’t returned our loan units, meaning they must be giving priority to people who paid to keep their loan unit, which is exactly what we wanted to avoid.

And if we still dont even have return labels they will probably just go straight in to shipping preorders.

Why be so concerned about the return labels? Fact is they are shipping to backers first so what is the problem to return your current headset later?

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Because they’ve already said they won’t send out new units without receiving old ones back in.

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@PimaxUSA just again mentioned that the original backer 400 are first in line …
but sure if they have 500 made a person in Asia might have it a bit before you because he is one of the lucky 100…
Edit: sure I guess the label thing is not communicated well, but don’t panic just because of that!


Yeah, I’m not panicing, its just with the constant stream of dissapointments that is being a pimax backer, i know they are going to screw this up again. I mean, pre-orderers were getting their 5k+'s way before i got mine purely because i only filled in about 8 of the survey monkey things they sent out and apparently they still couldn’t work out my address even though it was the same on kickstarter and all the way through all the surveys i filled out.

I’d much prefer to actually hear the plan from someone at Pimax rather than just random people saying “it’ll be fine” and “please wait for an update”.


Funny, this (Nolo) is exactly what I predicted Dec 17th after @SweViver commenting on your live stream :slight_smile:
I am curious if 8KX/+ will get native Nolo support as well… would be nice as a Nolo backer…

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In the interview was also that small nugget of Chinese new years delays of 3 weeks no shipments.

I hope they’re trying to under promise and over deliver on this delay because 3 weeks is a very long time.


3 weeks? I thought it was just 1 week .

Yes, but he added we should expect a 3 week period of inactivity. I’m not sure why and I hope it’s to be on the safe side rather than actual 3 weeks

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It’s a bit weird that an Entry Level headset would come with actual headphones yet the Pimax 8k X and 8k+ only have speakers as standard. Perhaps they’ve changed the 8k+ and 8k X to include these. Honestly they really should. Speakers like the ones built into the MAS probably won’t be able to provide very good sound stage due to where they’re placed. Index can do it because the speakers are more horizontal to your ears, as well as covering a wider area. With this though the speakers appear to be very small and are built into the strap rather than on the sides.

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