Pimax 8KX/8K+ Distortions Poll

I’ve made a poll for Pimax 8KX/8K+ owners to see how distracting on average are the distortions of Pimax headsets on Large FOV mode?

From a scale of 0 to 10, how distracting are the distortions for you during actual gameplay? Do they decrease the immersion? With 0 being not distracting at all and 1 being minimally distracting and 10 being very distracting.

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

Are the distortions as distracting as culling/objects popping in & out of the main periphery that happen in some games?

  • Just as distracting
  • More distracting
  • Less distracting

0 voters

Are the distortions as distracting as culling/objects popping in & out of the extreme periphery (far left and far right edges) that happen in some games?

  • Just as distracting
  • More distracting
  • Less distracting

0 voters


lol, no vote button, the radio just goes with one click… so one of the 0s from me is wrong, I just wanted to click down the screen.

I would love to see the results of this poll but, since my 8KX hasn’t arrived yet, I cannot take the poll. :neutral_face:


Does it have to be them or could it be pimax headsets overall for the best amount of feedback. I would like to see an overall average from those who own a headset if only as a seperate thread. I can’t join in on this one as I haven’t owned either

Unfortunately I can’t change the poll now that it’s been voted on. But I’ll close the poll after a day or two so that everyone can see the results.

There’s an extra 0 from me too

What value you would have picked?

You can change your vote. Click the “Show vote” button and you’ll see the radio buttons again. Just pick a different one.


Problem is I don’t have an X / + .

It would be a 0 for me on my 5k+…don’t have my 8kx yet

Probably same interesting would be a poll about lens blur. Because this poll is about distortions (my understanding: wrong distortion profile) only.

Big winner, the reverb… full points

(Sarcasm - It is not that bad after all… 35% are really sharp like a hell)

For the pimax, of sure, the outer edge are blurred… a bit more as in Real life.

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