Pimax 8k (headset only) on Kickstarter not limited?

I‘m not so familiar with kickstarter, actually the Pimax 8k would/will be the first project I want to support. So my question is, if the amount of the 8k headsets (499$) is unlimited, so that I can support until 3.11.2017?

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The 8K $499 reward is not limited, so as long as you pledge the reward before 11/3 you will get the product.

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The only rewards that are limited is Early Bird & 8k-X. All others are unlimited.

Its unlimited but keep in mind that orders are shipped out on the basis of first come first serve, so it may very well be after Jan/Feb before you get your headset.

I don’t have hard dates myself obviously but, just something to consider.

Have Pimax said they’ll be shipped first come, first serve?


Yes they have confirmed they will go out based on backer number. You can also change your pledge and your backer number will stay the same

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Thanks for letting me know :slight_smile:

Do you think they will ship out the 5K and 8K orders seperatly, and do them by order number within their own tier, or do you think you’ll just do literally everyone’s in the order they came in, regardless which model they get?

That wouldn’t be possible to ship in order no matter what model because the 8K-X wont be available till May. And Full package wont be available till Feb.

That makes sense. So they’ll ship each tier as they’re ready, and within each tier they’ll ship them first come first serve. Sounds good to me :slight_smile:

Full packages from what i recall seeing was said headsets in Jan & base stations & controllers in feb.

8k-X users have option to receive 8k first then exchange for 8k-X when available.

So your saying they will ship the headsets first then accessories for the full packages that does not make sense. Delivery estimate says Feb I would assume that’s for the full package the whole package. Why would they ship two packages? The full packages say estimated delivery for everything in the package it doesn’t break it down into two shipments. It would be slightly outside sanity to think they will ship the headsets first and then the accessories less or around 30 day later for the full packages. Shipping costs are best served by shipping everything together. That would just be wasting money.

Well, Pimax has indicated in the past that items will be shipped as they become available.

The HMD will be incomplete and impractical for various content without the basestations/controllers.

There may be a survey for 5K/8K Full as well which will highlight possible delays & give an option of what the pledger would like.

Try not to expect anything on time to minimize disappointment.

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In my case it would be perfect because it could mean no import tax

In KS under “Risks and challenges” Pimax makes the following comment: “We are in the stages of finalizing the solution for positional tracking, and as such it may delay the shipping time of rewards that include positional tracking.” … Myself, I wouldn’t mind waiting until February to receive the full package but if Pimax runs into additional delays on the positional tracking, I most certainly would prefer to get the HMD first and controllers when they become available. What if the delays were several months!!! Currently, I’m just hoping for the best!

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