Pimax 5k+ tracking fail


My Pimax has just arrived with dpd.

But unfortunately the Vive 1.0 tracking does not work.

The station is off …

Does anyone know a solution?

Many Thanks


Unplug LH replug. Turn ofc steamvr power saving.


This is my biggest complaint. I spend ~3-5 minutes every time I want to use VR, trying to get lighthouse tracking working.

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Same thing here. Pimax offered a Teamviewer session which I couldn’t actually couldn’t schedule a date for due to travelling. Still, I have my doubts they will be able to fix it since it seems a quite frequent issue with Vive bases gen1. I hoipe the Pimax basesation due soon will resolve this problem.


If you still have a Vive link box connected make sure you unplug it.


If base station is not detected (gray) - try to restart “Piservicelauncher” service. I often have to do this right after I start Pitool.

If base station is detected but Headset not tracked message - try to move ~2m away and wave the HMD around, this usually makes it detected and then you can move back closer without losing tracking.

Proceed to Room setup only after both (base station & HMD) are detected.

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Try this, 1st PC on, 2nd Lighthouses, c and b setting, at 1 Lighthouse A, Logical, 3rd Heatset on, 4th Pitool on because of setup control and 5th SteamVR on. Works always great. My lighthouses are diagonal in the room at 210 cm height and meet in the middle of the room at seat height head. Have the 5k + for 3 weeks and no problems.


Thanks for the tip!

I only have 1 lighthouse, set on “b”. My PC is always on (and never enters sleep mode). I turn on the lighthouse (via remote controlled power outlet). I then move my headset from storage, to play area and turn on the headset (via 2nd RC outlet), start PiTool and run SteamVR. I know PiTool is supposed to be optional, but if I skip that step, I can’t seem to connect to the lighthouse (ever). My light house is mounted near the ceiling at 2.5 m from my seat, which should be ideal (for seated games).

I’ll try setting my single lighthouse to “a”.

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I am running in single base in A mode. After I reduced obstacles between base and HMD I have 0 tracking issues, it works better than CV1 tracking.


A is the correct channel for single lighthouse. When I was on a single lighthouse with no controllers I found that ideal distance to get it to track was closer to 10ft (3 meters) and the headset turned 45degrees off axis to the lighthouse. I now have 2 lighthouses and 2 controllers. When I get tracking issues now I just turn on a controller and presto tracking just works. I also found turning the lighthouse on after the PiMax seems to give me the best results.


It has to be set on A channel from what I understood from others…mine is on A and always connects within 15 seconds. I have 1 station that I grabbed used from Amazon, no issues works great.


OK, I’ll try “a” tonight. This is my single biggest hassle with VR right now.

The doc that came with the lighthouse certainly didn’t make it clear which setting to use, if you only have a single lighthouse. If this improves my situation, I’ll make an update to the wiki.


I just posted a fix that help you.