I’m finding that text can be very hard to make out once it goes below a certain size. For example in Elite Dangerous, the text on the displays when you are in the cockpit can be very hard to decipher.
Someone told me to set steamvr Supersampling to 1.5 and the HMD quality setting in ED settings to 2.0, and that did help some. I can now make out what the is written, just.
Should the text be crisp? Because it is not at all for me
I also have a Vive and after make the above changes it really helped that HMD, but it’s not done much for the Pimax
I’m also getting some eye strain when in that SteamVR room, which I do not get when using the Vive. I have not turned on cool colours, The Pimax has its default settings.
Would only having the use of one eye affect this in any way?
I was hoping that the Pimax would be good enough for me to get rid of the Vive, as the Vive’s screen door issue is really annoying, plus the god rays can be really bad in certain games.
I think the eyestrain is caused by lack of hardware IPD. The Pimax 8k is going to have hardware IPD, but the Pimax 4k will always have this problem I guess.
Furthermore, yeah text in general should be crisp. It of course depends on the game. What piplay version are you using ?
I’m looking forward to the 8K coming out. Love that it looks like the StarVR
Okay, PiPlay version:
I just installed the Pimax 4K today, and downloaded the driver from the official place. The Pimax is brand new. I received it a couple of days ago.
This is actually my 2nd Pimax, as I sold one thinking it did not work well enough in games, but then someone told me I had not set it up properly and said to do the above.
One good thing from buying a new HMD, the current Pimax headsets have a much better designed nose area. My first headset kept on digging into my nose. That was really uncomfortable.
I bought the first headset on Ebay, and got my money back on it easily. My current Pimax I bought from Cafago. If I sell this I will make a loss, but not much. I’d rather not sell it. It’s a very comfortable HMD and doesn’t weight a ton
If I can get the text to be crisp, then that will be awesome
Hmm that’s good, so not sure why you have not crispy clear text. What’s your piplay version then ? Check it in piplay by pressing on the human icon on top of the piplay screen.
I play Elite and even with my bad eye sight i can still read everything…
one thing that helped me a lot was going to a website that through your
webcam measured my correct IPD. The IPD tool in the software didnt
work for me at all… I had to put it to .55 just to see the cross clearly.
With my 980 ti, I play at high settings with SS to 1.3 via steam vr
and renderer at 1.3. I’m sure i could run it higher but I don’t feel the need