[Pimax 4K] - Playing Batman Arkhan in VR

Hello there,

now u can play Batman Arkham VR, and it’s a great moment !!!

Let’s talk here → Pimax 4K UHD - NON Officiel
youtube Channel → https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXfuq-tqCApmsx9qEBsvzzg
Twitter → https://twitter.com/pimax4kuhdfr

What controllers are you using?
Hope to try it with nolo at the end of May.


i m using Psmove + psnavi + PsEye x 2 and the exelent program psmoveservice :

[Pimax 4K & PSMove & PSNavi] - Demo Oculus - Batman Arkham VR
Let’s try Batman Arkhan with headset Pimax 4K and Psmove service (Psmove and PsNavi) - looks, cool.
Pimax 4K UHD withg piplay 1.1.92
2 * Psmove
2 * PsEYE
1 * PsNavi

Logiciel utilisé :
Revive : Home · LibreVR/Revive Wiki · GitHub
PSMoveService-v0.9alpha8_1_0 https://github.com/cboulay/PSMoveServ… (j’utilise l’ancienne version car la dernière est bugué)
Fichier de configuration SteamVR :
{ "audio" : { "onPlaybackDevice" : "{}.{d024d4d9-47ce-4 - Pastebin.com

Let’s talk here → Pimax 4K UHD - NON Officiel
youtube Channel → https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXfuq-tqCApmsx9qEBsvzzg
Twitter → https://twitter.com/pimax4kuhdfr

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I know it’s old thread, but would like to ask (since I’ve bought the game on steam) why it keeps constantly on the error “plese put on your hmd” if you stop moving head. It stops audio too and game is unplayable :frowning:

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I too was curious about the game since I’m a fan of the Arkham trilogy but it’s nothing more than a tech demo for PSVR ported to steam…after 9 minutes I asked for a refund.

I read it somewhere people were trying to overcome the "please put on your hmd’ error by editing the steamvr.vrsettings (some timer for HMD inactivity) but I can’t confirmed if it worked.

Thank you I have to look and try that settings. I hope it will works! :smiley:

Hello guys, I can’t find that option in steamvr config, anyone knows where to look for it or the string to add?
thank you