Pimax 4k Does not provide what it promises

REMEMBER IF IT IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE… THEN IT IS… …I received this PiMax virtual headset back in September 21st. From the beginning It was difficult to make it work my current laptop with an older Graphics settings. I went through all of the instructions provided by Pimax on their online forms. Finally I payed $2000 and bought a brand new lap top with Intel 7th generation Intel CPU and the latest Nvidia GTX 1070 Graphics card. I went through all the settings and configurations and tried to play over different types of 4k movies and the display was still crappy. Just movies people, not games. Since three weeks, I have been trying to get any kind of support from Pimax. They sent me bunch instructions and I followed that to a letter since I am a Technology consultant for the past 15 years. That did not work either. Pimax have NO support phone number which you can call. I begged for a support personnel. I told them I will be available from morning 9:00 AM china time until 12PM china Time. But they make sure they reply back after three days and asks if I can talk 4:00PM china time which 4 AM EST US time. This game has been continuing for the past 17 days with no results. I sent them what I have done in terms of configuration but they do not reply back. Please do not buy this piece of CRAP. I have all my email records to prove it.

There are some very helpful people here in the forums who would have helped you out for free, like @Heliosurge for example
Did you try piplay v1.1.92 ? And what’s the problem anyway exactly ?

I have the latest version from their site version Dated 09/26/2017. I am not in from of that laptop now so I cant give you the exact version. I think it was 2.42 something… I just want to play 4k movies. The resolution is barely 1080p with a screen door effect. I tried 12 different 4k movies. I tried adjusting the graphic settings with DSR and custom resolution. When I tried the custom resolution they put in the forum, my card would not accept it saying that "your device does not support it. Then I read in the form to setup steam VR and download simple VR videos player. Which I did , but it was hard to caliberate the head set for movies in Steam VR Room. I kept getting 360 view. I tried both pimax mode and video mode.

Does your serial start with ‘100’ or ‘102’ ?

100711…72… that is the serial number

Ok that’s good, then you should not see any SDE at all. Hmm…

But I clearly do… some movies more than the others

You do realize though that the 4k doesn’t support native 4k resolution ? It samples down to 1440p. Besides it will even need to cut that in half since it needs to display the full movie image in the left eye and in the right eye.

Yes I know that too… but barely getting above 1080?

Well, again if you’d look at the display panel it needs to show the movie on the left part of the panel and on the right part. So even if it would not downscale, you’d still have half of 4k. With downscaling you have half of 1440p. And that would be the optimal situation. It’s lower because the format of the movie will not perfectly fit into the the half of the display panel. AND then there’s the fact that there’s software IPD so the headset can not use the full panel size for displaying.

Do you have an xbox controller ? In that case try “DeoVive”, it’s a wonderful player, by far the best there is in my opinion. You can pump up the settings a bit (anti aliasing and super sampling) and it SHOULD look quite nice. But not 4k quality of course.

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Hold on, let me make a screenshot taken from within my HMD for you.

I do have xbox 1 and xbox controller but could not get xbox movies to run on my laptop directly from the box.

Great ! Just connect the controller via the USB dongle and you’re fine. Then install http://deovr.com/s/download/vive/DeoPlayer.zip

You can use your xbox controller to operate, zoom in/out etc, it’s really nice This works via SteamVR, so you should have that set up first of course

Thank you so much. I will try that tonight and let you know. I have DSR on and setting is Max. Is that ok?

One more question, I have Steam VR setup but I could not get the Room setup properly. It keeps give me a 360 view. So I have to lie down and look up to make Simple VR Player see anything. how do setup to just have 110 view for videos only?

In the Steamvr menu (bottom right of your screen) chose ‘run room setup’ and choose ‘standing only’ and follow the instructions

I did exactly that 5 times but the view ends up on the roof each time.

BTW, this is how a screenshot of my HMD looks: https://postimg.org/image/7gyrrzfzqj/

You can download the original via that link

Notice though, that it’s indeed only 1440p and that the movie is indeed displayed twice. Also notice how only a small part of the screen is used for the movie. So yeah the effective resolution will be much lower than 1440p.

Hmm that’s very odd. @Pimax-Support or @heliosurge any idea’s ?