OSVR HMD driver

Hi guys,

Thanks to the SDK I’m trying to build an OSVR plugin for the headset, however, by studying the SDK and the Unity SDK, it seems that the Pimax 4k uses a fork of OSVR.

Have you plans to release the driver for OSVR? Your software works great, but OSVR has made a tons of progress (Asynchronous TimeWarp, The Unity Plugin is very close to work on Linux and Mac!). Another good reason to release the driver (or its source code) is the ability to use plugins with OSVR.

The Pimax 4k misses two great features : The position tracking and the VR controllers. Using the OSVR-Kinect and the OSVR-Fusion plugins, we’ll be able to add position tracking and motion controllers to the headset.

Just imagine how cool this headset could be with these nice features?

I hope you’ll do it, I like the Pimax 4k and I think that it can be more popular just by adding OSVR support :slight_smile: