I am currently working on a dual display HMD using InfinitiEye open source. From the facts I learned while testing, I am guessing this is related to 8K.
8K has a different distortion than 4K, so additional rendering is required to be compatible with steam vr. The rendering of star vr is understandable because there is already known information, but pimax is not known and can now be guessed through the v1.2 driver.
If you think so, you will understand all the strange results from the current driver.
ps : I tried to reply to your post, but this post has been created.
Of course, the osvr plugin, which uses the third psmove for positional tracking, is just beginning to be developed. It would be good to discuss this in Google Groups.
I don’t think the price of nolo is so expensive. And I think it will succeed in the public.
I know. Think about how much it will cost to apply 360 degree positional tracking using psmove. Also consider the installation process.
I recommend nolo easy to install and easy to use.