Pimax prolem after firmware update , HDM off green and blue light totali off , piplay 1.1.92, witch Upgrade tool for Pimax(г¤-¦¦д–) not showing FW only programm crash an 0 devices found, piplay not see HDM . I have windows 10 x64 and GTX 1070 , i think problem because FW update time loose connection witch usb and now my Pimax is totali death (( last hope is you, the best support team . I wait your answer maybe you know a way how downgrade device or reinstall FW?
Log file show this code T:8260 LOGRECORD: bUSBState: -1, bDFUState: 0
Bad luck man.
They are away on vacation till February Second.
However, get log file and send them on skype. They will check it periodically if someone have some need urgent support.
You can do manual flash, search forum.