NYC Pimax Roadshow Impressions

DCS is something I would like to play with because of its reputation but it’s not a stiff requirement. Indeed Elite was more my way of having fun flying.

And what exactly do you mean with ‘lower supersampling’? Like 1.5x ?

For Elite, you may be ok with what you have. Still testing…

Lower supersampling, for the Pimax 8kX, meaning Total SR of 1.25x, or even 1.0x. At the roadshow, the difference between 1.5x and 1.25x used in Elite Dangerous (due to lack of overclocking on that GPU) was hardly noticeable, and few if any of the visitors noticed. Keep in mind the pixels on the 8kX are already small enough to achieve clean separation of text features. By contrast, all the previous headsets are far from that resolution, and so they benefit more from having a Total SR of >2.0x.

The single most diagnostic graphical quality indicator in Elite Dangerous so far is dots towards the bottom of power management indicators. The more black the narrow dark area between them, the better the rendering.

Older headsets seem to have a physical resolution just a little worse than the distance between those dots.


Provided games are launched via pitool you could load game specific settings as a bat file prior to running the executable. Ideally the end-user will have a tool for making adjustments to the recommended settings as even the same hardware SKU’s can vary in performance quite a bit.

Potentially look at having an API feed to/from a server to which users can upload their configurations and others can give review ratings as a means of filtering best results. Unlike NVidia Pimax does not have a data farm to generate game profiles, but through collaborative effort the community could achieve something comparable.

Or you could just launch whatever programs you need before the sim, including SteamVR, Joystick Gremlin, Voice Attack, other batch files, Discord, TeamSpeak, SRS, Google Earth, etc, like this.

And if that fails for some reason, manually click some links named with a carefully planned Dewey-decimal-like numbering system…

As part of the basic list of shortcuts to startup the sim…

All of which can be initiated from Virtual Desktop, which can be launched from voice command after I figure out to hook a VoiceAttack startup script where PiTool Home is…

With some effort, it is already nearly possible to set up a rather automatic system that does not require interacting with a physical monitor outside the headset. This is the sort of thing the extendedInterface project is really about.

Don’t worry about finding me. Just contact me a few times and I will reply - a lot of unsolicited stuff finds me so some stuff can be missed. Cool sim demo. Will think about making a trip up there, or dropping by next time I am in the area.


That’s some very impressive motion even if not programmed well at that stage. Please post some vids of your new one once it’s up and running.

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Thanks. =) I will definitely do so. I plan to do a little streaming when it’s really 100% ready, and youtube videos of course.

I can’t stress enough that it won’t look nearly as cool, and will actually look like a major downgrade but that couldn’t be further from the truth for flight simming. The old one will be superior in some ways for racing perhaps, but flight is my main concern.

It’s going to have huge heave (that’s like strafe up and down), moderate surge and sway, and the rest will be a highly advanced G-seat that is going to be a hybrid of the ACME DMS seat and SeatTime’s most recent design (you should find both easily via google search) if you wish. This G-seat barely resembles G-seats you may have seen online. =) I should be making the first welds on Monday!



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