NYC Meetup Venue and Gaming PC's for Sunday

Pimax New York City Meetup Information
Hubneo VR Lab - Virtual Reality Simulation Center
Address: 114 Suffolk St, New York, NY 10002
TIME: Tomorrow (1/19/2020) 10am - 7pm
We have the 8KX, 8K+, 5K SUPER and Artisan with us for hands on testing.

Would switching to Monday make a difference for this? It is a US holiday, so many may have time off. Not sure how many businesses take the holiday.
Because if that is the only way we can have the chance, I’m all for the date change.

Hi - The PC’s are the bigger issue as we can probably at the very least setup a meeting room in a hotel. If we had someone willing to bring some PC’s down the team might be willing to change their outgoing flight tickets to accommodate that.

I have a PC I would be willing to offer with an RTX 2080 Super and i9 9900K. I would need a flight from my city to NYC however looks like that would be $85. If I could get compensation for even half of that on arrival I would love to come see the headsets


I might be in NYC Sunday, with 2080Ti, i9 9900K (not sure if its high end gaming), but need some more info what time to be there and when it ends @Heliosurge

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I will be bringing my RTX 2080 Ti and i9-9900k machine, fully capable of running Pimax 8kX at full resolution.

EDIT: @MarcG That should be more than adequate to run the Pimax 8kX at the usual 1.25x-1.5x supersampling.


Well, if there is no answer, I dont really want to carry my pc for no reason, I don’t even see where its supposed to take place, and I’m leaving to NY early morning tomorrow.

Please consider bringing your PC regardless. I have found venues, and I am pretty sure Pimax is well covered on that front. But they WILL NEED computers.

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I’ll consider, but what I mean is it would be nice to know earlier what to do, how should I plan Sunday (from 10 am to 8 pm pretty much whole day) and after that I have 4 hour drive home and work early morning. I don’t live around NYC and simply have some business to attend, fortunately, same weekend as meetup.


Looks like we have a venue. We’ll be visiting the venue in person later this morning to talk to them and after that I’ll get back on here and advise the location.


We could use an update soon.


Kevin, its michael.

We need an update on the venue. Did you lock it in there?

Venue is:
Hubneo VR Lab - Virtual Reality Simulation Center
114 Suffolk St, New York, NY 10002
TIME: Tomorrow (1/19/2020) 10am - 7pm

We will need PC’s as we only have 1 2080 laptop with us.


@SweViver @PimaxUSA I will consider bringing my PC. (2080, 9900k) DM me with requirements.

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Is this 100% confirmed location?
I live around Equinox West 92nd Street. I have one powerful RTX 2080Ti, and one 1080 PC. Shall I bring it?
Order some pizzas please!


Bringing PC with flight sim.


Yes confirmed. It’s a business so I doubt we will have any snacks like yesterday but the PC would be great and much appreciated.


Yes please! This would be awesome! I should be able to stay all day. I’m part of the first session. Do I need to bring a monitor? I’d rather not, if I don’t have to.

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