Next Update anybody?

Any news when new firmware will be out to fix all these problems people are having?


Oh yes, that would be nice. if not, the Pimax still goes back this week to gearbest


I already filled RMA becouse the state in which they sell this junk is insulting to me. If they wont fix this mess or give me my money back, ill start to make videos and forum posts all over the internet to show how the first glorious 4k headset works. Maybe ill even earn a gift card for sharing my experience lol.


Well I have a Pimax. Maybe I am not as picky as you but mine is great! Works both with steam and Occulus games. Once downloaded can start them from inside Piplay. Play most of the time Eve: Valkyrie, lots of stuff from Jaunt etc. Watch YouTube 3d in Cmore App, Play Skyrim on Big Screen App, Watch all my stuff in Simple VR or Kodi in Video Mode also while using Kodi can use an IPTV app to watch SKy 3D perfectly!

For me Pimax has been a great buy.

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