New PiTool Released!

Is the backlight adjustment setting back in this version?

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@SweViver how does it work?

  1. Enable/disable screensaver/screen protection mode added
  2. Enable/disable standby/sleep mode added
    I´ve activated both in PiTool, but nothing happens if no Game is running. Headset is still active and Pimax Logo shows in display, like on older PiTool versions. No Standby mode starts??
    Do i miss something out?

Edit: Logo is gone after a view minutes. But green Powerlight and blue Barlight are still on. Displays look on but without Pimax Logo now… ???

Ouch that’s quite a lot. I want to upgrade to this from 180, but I hope I won’t lose that much performance…


good luck Mate! Hope all goes well for you.

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Thanks I hope you get it back with 254!

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This sounds strange. I really do not see any micro-stutters. What refreshrate are you running at, and what games? Maybe you are simply pushing the GPU too much and get a low fps?

I still havent compared the vertical FOV between versions, but its nothing Ive noticed at least. Will investigate this though.

Wow that sounds like a huge decrease in framerate, very odd. Let me do some tests and comparisons. The Alpha 254 was already running maybe 5-10fps better than the more stable Alpha 253. But how is the new 255 compared to the previous stable 253?

Yep, same experience here, even on both my laptops :slight_smile: Lets investigate the performance now…

Nope, the team is still elaborating with the backlight brightness option. And some refreshrate modes.

The options enables and disables the automatic screensaver and stand-by modes that kicks in after a few minutes when headset is not in use (not moved at all).

The screensaver turns the panels black after 3 minutes I think. To prevent burn-ins (yes even LCDs can get burn-ins if a static image is shown for a day or two in a row.

The stand-by mode kicks in later, maybe after 5-6 minutes. It puts the GPU into a low-power mode, and limits the rendering to 15fps. Use fpsVR and you will see it kicking in after a while, when framerate goes down to 15fps.

Power-led will remain green. The headset never goes to sleep this way, it only saves the panels (screen saver) and also lowers the GPU usage (stand-by mode).


Nice, I’ll give it a try tonight, keeping my fingers crossed.

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great way to rule out viewport changes is to use handy tool by Risa:


Thanks. I am currently using High value with 5K XR, any idea what am I supposed to use on this one to keep image similar? Some people claim I can adjust Brightness sliders and it’ll do the same, is that true?

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I agree, I see it now too. >.>
Does someone here have 144? I don’t have access to my old version of it right now and I cannot find a link on this forum that works. Only one google link which links to a zip with password.

“5.Image blinking during application loading repaired.”

After short test found out that there is no more “flickering loading map screen” in IL 2 Sturmovik ! Bravo Pimax , I heard that other headset still some problems with that particular issue.

Also good improvement with fast LH/Pimax weak up in PT . Nice !

I have not experienced frequent micro stutter like others folks before this version but looks like Pimax did some optimization . So far very stable version and imho the best over a year.


>older pitools download<


Thank you kzzyn! This helps

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So i loaded up my fave Dirt Rally 2 with the exact same settings and track I use in 249. I run DR2 with No Smart Smoothing, Normal fov 72Hz and SVR customs settings for DR2 at video 70% and ALL re-projection OFF. With 249 I can maintain 72 fps solid and total smoothness.
With 255 I lose between 4 to 8 fps and is enough to induce stutter at that framerate. Not smooth. Both clean installs, Returned to 249.


Have you double checked steamvr resolution and fov between versions?
I have execaly the same fps when using the same resolutions in steamvr. But looks like 255 indicated some minor changes in resolution given to steamvr.

Also try to disable “stand by mode” in 255. Let me know please what fps are after that. I have 5k+ 204 right now so cant switch to 72 hz mode.


I always use fov Normal. The SVR res is at 70%. Will check the actual numbers to see if they change between versions and get back to you. Will check standby mode too.


Could the stutter some users are reporting, be possibly affected by the following?

A] Pi Tool settings are set too high, and/or Steam settings are too high for GPU/PC hardware.

Or other glitches might occur due to wide ranging other factors such as…


GPU Manufacturer specific problem due to Nvidia/AMD drivers
GPU Memory [6GB, 8GB 12GB Graphics cards]
CPU Core number [4 core, 6 core, 8 core and above]
CPU Speed [4ghz or below, 4ghz or above, 5ghz and above]
RAM Speed or amount [8GB vs 16GB vs 32GB memory modules]
Hard Disk speed [Mechanical Vs SSD Vs NVME]

For all we know it could be something basic like the majority of users with stutter all have 1080 Ti or ‘only’ 16 GB 3000mhz memory, or have an RTX 2070 with insufficient bandwidth for the quality settings chosen.

Or none of these at all.


is this beta or final version?

Well after a very brief testing on SteamVR Home I can happily say that it appears to be fixed for me. I think that during 5 minutes or so I only had what appeared to be 1 single stutter, but that could have been anything. It’s still early but I can dream on getting back to VR after a long wait, great job Pimax team!

Perhaps the only con is that I had a few problems detecting the HMD. At first I left the HMD in the floor and when I went back the image was broken, with a blue and black screen divided vertically with a thin line or something like that and had to turn it off. The when turning it on the HMD showed up but the LHs couldn’t detect it. After resetting the computer I still had issues detecting the LHs, but after several tries PiTool found the HMD. Then one curious thing is that after turning it off, it appeared as connected for maybe a minute, until it finally showed as disconnected.

I can’t say if this was a one time thing or could be more of an issue, I will have to test more, however I’m extremely happy with what appears to be a fix for the stutter. Even if I had connection issues, I would be at the same point than with 144, since those happened with that version too.


So happy to say the stutter / judder has gone but at 72hz there’s mico stutters happening and there seems to be a 5-10fps drop in performance for me. Think i’ll go back to .249 for now and put up with the judder. Hopefully this gets fixed completly before my 8KX arrives.

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