New Pimax 8KX Jitter

Thanks, while your jitter results are better than mine, the average is still 3 to 4 times worse than my Valve Index. This level of jitter just isn’t acceptable for such an expensive headset.


My test results are very similar to this. Would love for that jitter to be reduced. I can deal with it but it’s far from comfortable.

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This issue with BS 2.0 jitter really needs fixing and Pimax Technical support need to correct it with an update.
@PimaxQuorra @PimaxUSA

Or I might buy a single BS 1.0 and see if there’s any jitter. Do 1.0 work with the Valve Knuckle Controllers?

Yes, I use 1.0 base stations with the Knuckle controllers…no issues with Jitter

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