M1 Prototype Progress [March 30th, 2018 Update]

this is great news. everything sounds good.


Please refer to the last update about the led lights:

Q2 is the estimated shipping time of the Kickstarter units.

We have assigned a specific team working on refresh rate with a new solution, while the team is focusing on improving the overall experience. Meanwhile, you may stay tuned for tester feedback.


Thank you very much for the progress update, Xunshu.


Thanks for the update

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Thanks for the update :slight_smile:

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May I suggest you consider @Sjef to be in the first group of testers. You tube personalities are great for exposure and views but you would benefit far more from sjefdeklerk’s coding skills. He has been debugging the P4k since day one

Of course you would have to guarantee he can send it back for the final product :wink:

Good luck!


Thank you for keeping us informed


I suspect that even if they only got 80htz brainwarp would effectively make your mind perceive 160htz as it will double.

It works well as I also get vr sick in Oculus at 90 but don’t in 4k at 60 as similar brainwarp in 4k eases the sickness


Thank you very much for the detailed progress update @deletedpimaxrep1, much appreciated!
Are there any news about Brainwarp? Or will you deal with Brainwarp when the hardware will be ready?


Thank you, gals and guys.


Thank you very much for the detailed progress update Xunshu, Very very much appreciated!.
Can you tell us anything about the kick-starter stretched goals items ?


Thank you for update.
Could you post more often?
We welcome any small news.


Also I see there was a new video put up on Youtube, But now it has been taken down , did anyone get to see it ?


How do i toss my name in the hat as an early tester?
I am a backer, a member of the forum (not a big presence here, so maybe not trusted by the community?), and a professional reviewer: I’m the VR reviewer for Tom’s Hardware.

I would like to be considered. However, i’ll be doing a review regardless of when i get the unit.


Thank you very much for the information. :kissing_heart:
Let’s go for the best HMD! :muscle:

Thanks for the update , I too was wondering did anybody get to see the video that was posted ???

I also am curious how to toss my hat in the ring as a tester? I’m backer #375 (jumped on the train early!!!) and both a reviewer (I also have a Vive and Rift and plan on doing a side by side by side review on my stream when I have access, on 3 pc’s all on the same stream) and a moderator for the Onward Master League. With it being one of the most popular VR Games combined with my early backing and all the hype I’ve been putting out on the Onward Discord, I think that’s a huge market you’re looking for!


Thank you for the update @deletedpimaxrep1
From the update of february it was clear you are working to all issues found at CES in “Road to Vr” review
Well, I am glad of the progress but i have a criticism and a question

  1. criticism
    First. When i watch the last video of doom vfr on the monitor there is some distorsion when the user turn the head.
    Second .
    This is a video of Pimax 4K DreadEye VR: Pimax 4K + Razer controllers - YouTube .
    This is the last video of Pimax 8K [Pimax 8K through the lens] DOOM VFR (18+) + Pimax 8K v5 prototype - YouTube
    Do you have eyes ?
    Are you kids or professional ?
    you could sell me pimax 4k as 8K if i watch at these two videos .
    So what are we speaking of ?
    Where is a good video of Pimak 8K ?
    Delete all the old video of pimax 8K from internet and make one or two done right , someone is real playing at important games. .
  2. Question
    I do not understand a thing.
    “As mentioned in the previous update, we used different lenses in v5 thus magnification changed. We have already optimized the lenses and eliminated the blurring effect”
    How ? if you have not tested new lenses
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I dont understand this “We suppose to receive the new T0 lenses from our supplier in Feb, however, we didn’t get the new lenses until yesterday. It requires around one week to test the new lenses.”

and after you write

“Blurring effect of objects.” “Blurred objects outside the middle 100 - 120 degrees field of view.”
As mentioned in the previous update, we used different lenses in v5 thus magnification changed. We have already optimized the lenses and eliminated the blurring effect."

So the m1 headset will have new lens different of the v5, or are the same but optimised?

What the t0 lens differs from v5 lens headset?

Can your explain?


Thanks for the update @deletedpimaxrep1 any news on brainwarp?
My prayers go out to the dedicated team working on a solution for raising the 80hz.