I use smartsmoothing with ED for quite some time now, it’s working for me since 144 beta, can supersample a lot with it with a 1080TI. I have about the same steamvr res as you but ingame i can add 1.75 ss with it. Is smartsmoothing not good enough on your system?
Then you surely can run it with the 8kx
It does when one posts things that will get one a suspension. Read over code of conduct please.
I tried both smart smoothing and FFR (separately) and saw weird artifacts. I’ve got a pretty good system: i7-8700K, 32 GB ram, and a factory-overclocked RTX 2080, so I prefer to leave SS and FFR off.
It dont make sense that they will keep changing things. They will at some point have to do a long term manufacturing with quantity of parts to be most profitable. I do believe they will have a solid run once it is nailed down. But what happened to the backer edition will be the consumer edition? Or was that a rumor?
Originally, the 5K and 8K were promised to be exactly the same as the release version. Obviously, the 5K+ was an upgrade, so no 5K backers complained. Pimax did ship the release version of the 8K to the general public (non-backers), so technically, they did adhere to their promise.
The reason they keep changing things is that the display panels keep improving. The older panels might not even be available anymore.
Are we really on Schedule to ship the 8K+ by the end of the month?
I don’t want to be a downer but it’s the 15th and all indications seems we will get the new website earliest next week.
oke i had that with old pitools, but since 144 it’s perfect for me. Maybe worth to look into that for you, with the performance gain there is a lot of room to get a really nice clear picture in ED with SS
(maybe you can try this with smartsmoothing on Pitool SS 0.75, steamvr app SS 100%, steamvr video SS Auto, ingame HMD SS 1.75 or 2)
Time to update firmware please.
OK, thanks! I’ll give that a try, next time I have some free time to play ED.
anybody else notised that the 5K+ is now listed as 120hz with no specific referrenceses to only in small FOW could this be one of the big things they will reveal @ Pimax Day part 2
That’s probably just standard marketing tricks, but I hope not…
Like before the “up to X Mbit” on internet connections in DK…
Probably another bridge chip limitation
Yeah I know what you mean just like 120hz best effort (hopefully not)
Also no eyetracking but sword shown?
eyetracking is in the lower right corner
Your right, my bad! lol
So since there’s no trade in program, I’m not interested at all in discount coupons towards Pimax 8k+ / x, so @PimaxUSA can I use those coupons with eye tracking module / finger tracking module / extension cable? And since I’m not interested in 8k+ / x, when will you be sending the kickstarter rewards to backers like the cooling add on?
Have you tryied FFR conservative ? This mide looks good with my RTX 2080ti . No artefacts at all and in space I dont even see ffr circle area. SM makes ghosting effect in ED so I’m not a fan of it.
I use conservative but it still seems really aggressive in Elite to me. Not so bad in others. There’s noticeable distracting artifacts and blockiness too close to my centre view. But I accept it for the performance gain
Hi Neal hope you haven’t tried it yet. Just checked the settings, one is wrong. Steamvr video SS is at 50%
it makes 2348 x 2068 steamvr res