Let's talk about 'Pimax Day' here

It will be interesting to see the outcome of their offers.:laughing::+1:

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Will EyeTracking work with GTX 980?
@Matthew.Xu @SweViver

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forget about a gtx 980 . If you playing with a pimax you need atleast a rtx 2080 super or ti . Look how asgarth wraith runs lol

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Nah don’t need to waste money on RTX. Plus Voodoodx & Seb demmonstrated 1660 works & lets not forget the 400+ games SweViver tested on a 1070

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It all depends on your financial situation and how much “sting” an investment in a video card is to you. I can confirm if you have the $ the 2080ti is by far the best card we have tested.

As for the best bang for the buck the 2070 Super can be had for $499 and maybe even less around black Friday. The 2070 Super can handle most tasks and even hit close to 60fps in most 4k games. It supports FFR which is evolving considerably so the card has some upside over time. The version of DP on the 2070 supports DSC so there is some upside there too.

A small note on the 980 - it isn’t DP 1.4 so the baseline bandwidth through the interface is lower. For eye tracking to work on that card we would have to largely implement it without Nvidia driver support which means on a 980 you shouldn’t expect a number of features to be available.


I’m sure you’d agreed though if one can hold out til next year card prices are likely to drop with PCIX v4.0 &\or v5.0 being more in place & either newer revisions of cards or models supporting new xpress version.

But yes does depend on financials & deal days.

Actually there is a chance they will continue to increase due to the tariffs and the move to factories outside of china. If some sort of deal isn’t struck in the next week or so prices will increase considerably once inventory runs out. 30% is a big jump.


True there is the increasing US pressure against companies dealing with Chinese based companies. This could affect Iphone prices & availability of official Arm processors & other componets in chinese made devices.

Do you know if off hand PciX is upgradable via Firmware?

And with Nvidia Firmware tool recall some users were able to use on GtX 9series. Is that just dp1.3 features?

My GTX 980 works fine with my Pimax 8k as long as I don’t push the settings too much. I’m using a laptop so I can’t upgrade the GPU.

Please issue a clear statement on what will work and be supported and what won’t. Since the Eye tracking is not free anymore I don’t want to waste my money on something that don’t work.


Are you guys hyped for Pimax Day 2? we’re hitting Week 3 in 2+ days. Yay or Nay?


The scaler is integrated in the new bridge chip no additional coast here


Hopefully firmware update soon.

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Really sucks that this 30% increase only serves to hurt consumers.

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Less than 24hrs til the 3rd Week of October. Question is will there be another delay.


I think we’ll be lucky to get an update by the 18th. Fourth week, 21st onwards entirely plausible.

I really want to see detailed performance comparisons of all the 2nd gen headsets vs the 1st gen ones well in advance of any opening of sales, so I can make a decent judgement about whether we can properly utilise the enhancements.

This is what they’re promising, but I want to see the numbers! :+1:


My hunch at the moment, hope I’m wrong about the X:

The one restriction is that running an 8K-X at full whack is going to be impossible for now. You can generate some beautiful stills / slides but performance will suffer (naturally I would like to know what performance SweViver has been getting when taking his videos) . Unless, the surprise announcement is SLI support, or other performance-assisting capability.

I’m hesitant to buy it using the argument that it’s future proofed, because by the time the 3080 Ti is out, it’s possible Pimax might announce a 3rd gen 8K-X OLED, or 10K-X etc. That would be a repeat of the current situation where my 5K+ still feels new and I’m already eyeing up the next one.

The good news is that you will be able to run the 8K-X at the same level of performance as the 8K+ by either reducing res, or using the upscaler for 90Hz, and it’s going to run pretty close to the 8K performance wise - and will still be the best visuals we can get our hands on in the market right now.


There will always be a better headset with better features just like there will always be a better GPU.

The question is always if the price is justified and it provides the feature set you want.


Of course, but I want know if I can really use the additional features it’s being sold on. Or by the time I can, it’s already outdated for various other reasons.

I know car analogies are not the best, but there’s not much difference between a 180mph and 200mph car if your local track only allows a max speed of 160mph, beyond marketing and bragging :slight_smile:


I mean the Bugatti came out and now the Tesla Roadster 2 is on it’s way and it’s faster to accelerate and 4 seats + double the mileage at a fraction of the price.

The way I see the 8KX as long as Pimax does it right and makes sure it’s new modules work well it’s in good hands. Just like 4K gaming which still gives problems to a 2080Ti for modern titles I doubt we’ll be running the 8KX at native for a long time.

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If you are supersampling any title for your 5k+ at 1.5 (eq. SteamVR ss 225%), then you are already doing the 8kX’s 1.0.