Is the additional $100 hand tracking module just a gimmick?

Will it work with other VR games I already have in my library or will it only work with games specifically designed for the module itself?

I love the idea of it but with it being $100 freaking dollars, I sure hope it’s more than what I’ve seen in the demos.

As far as I understand, the hand tracking module is being developed in collaboration with leap motion. This has been put to great use in addons like FlyInside for FSX or Prepar3D to interact with your virtual cockpit. So no, this not just a gimmick, but a way to use just your bare hands to interact with the virtual environment. You should search youtube with the terms mentioned above to get an idea how this works. Prepare to be impressed.

While that is interesting I’m curious if it will work with any of the many many games out there already. Will it replace the controller for a lot of things or is it only useful for a handful of apps or games?

It’s still a gimmick to me if you can barely use it for anything besides demos and one or two games.

Well, the software would need to support leap and its vr mode and it won’t work for each and every game. Google seems to know more about this: “games with leap motion vr support”.