MaxVR is my favorite video player. I paid for the full license, but MaxVR cannot find my PiMax. I have not been able to get any Oculus programs to work, but since MaxVR is installed outside of Oculus, I think it would not matter anyway. Please help. (PS: Sending my Oculus CV1 back to best buy soon)
Hey i think PiPlay uses MaxVR.
You may need @PIMAX-Support input. But check Piplay settings gear if your using 1.2.75+ then there is a setting to choose default video player.
Thanks, I definitely read that PiPlay used MaxVR, but not sure in the new version. I will poke around in the areas you mentioned. When loading video from the PiPlay start page, it give the best image quality, I would like more options to swing the camera around. Maybe those options are there, I just haven’t found them.
Your welcome. It does have a nice picture indeed.
Have you checked your settings?
Make sure that you have selected MaxVR as you video player there and also set up your preferred download path.
Hope this helps.
how do you select MaxVR? I have the latest PiPlay version
Click on the gear a pop up menu should givd you the option
excellent, I pointed it to MaxVR. I’ll test it next chance I get.
I set this up but just get HMD not detected when MaxVR runs from PiPlay. How do I tell MaxVR how to find my PiMax?