Has this video been posted yet, 8kX

Thanks for the video and proving the pimax is not for everyone and not ready for mainstream vr. Maybe the G2 would be a step up in graphics, but may also introduce a new set of complications. You should share more content with us and any future headsets you try.


So far my 8kx has been exceeding my expectations. It’s a bummer your experience was so much worse!


On this video the case is actually cracking?? @ 08:49

No it isn’t. Looked quite carefully.

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It’s reasons like this I suggested Pimax create a User Start Guide that is included within the packaging. It would have details of getting started, links to PiTool, and also steps to take to prepare the 8KX for the best results using SteamVR.

Ok good, because he imply that it could crack showing an edge that was cracking on the old housings.

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