Has anyone got the Pimax 4k and NoloVR Ceiling mount working?

Has anyone got the Pimax 4k and NoloVR Ceiling mount working if so could you explain how?

Hi, please take a moment to read this post: http://community.openmr.ai/t/piplay-version-1-2-97-is-available-for-downloading/2501/38

Pimax 4K VR helmet + Nolo CV1 360 degree experience (Ceiling Setup) Tutorial


  1. 3D device model provided by Nolo is recommended to print, please carefully fasten it avoiding damage of falling.
    3D model link: https://www.nolovr.com/support/12
  2. It’s the first edition and we will improve it further.

Demerits of current 360 degree solution

  1. Base Station should be fastened to the ceiling at least 2.7 meters (8.86 foot) above the ground. 2.7 – 5 meters is recommended.
  2. It’s hard to charge Base Station.
  3. It still exist dead zone, e.g. look down, operate controller in front of chest.
  4. This solution cannot coexist with 180 degree solution, you need to replace corresponding config file in different VR scenes.


  1. Download 360 degree config file, link at:
    180 degree config file, link at:
  2. Stop PiServiceLauncher in Task Manager
  3. Replace “Nolo_USBHID.dll” from C:\Program Files\Pimax\Runtime with 360 degree config file
  4. Restart PiServiceLauncher or Piplay to take effect

Hi Thank you,

I tried downloading the config files but they need a decryption key.